Page 111 of Ghost
I was in Balthazar’s house.
The home he had with Mia.
Why did Malachi bring us here?
“You look surprised,” he grinned, putting Rebekah down before he started closing all the curtains in the room. Rebekah quickly moved as she ran to me, climbing into my lap and hugging my neck. “I knew he wouldn’t bring you here. He couldn’t. This was Mia’s house.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“To teach big brother a lesson. He should have stayed gone. Everything was going great until you showed up and fucked everything up.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“I knew the moment he saw you. He wouldn’t let you go. Big brother always had a hard-on for helpless women. He can’t help himself. He just has to be the hero.”
“You’re not making sense, Malachi. I don’t understand. Your brother was just trying to help me.”
“He fucked everything up!” he screamed, pulling at his hair.
Something was very wrong with Malachi. I could see it clearly. He wasn’t the man I knew from before. The man standing before me now was crazed, unhinged. He wasn’t stable, and the more aggravated he got, the more dangerous he became. I wasn’t so much worried about me, but Hailey and Rebekah were witnessing everything. No child should ever have to see this, let alone an Uncle who was loved and adored. I worried for Rebekah as she trembled in my arms.
“Rebekah, get over here!” Her uncle shouted. Rebekah shook her head no, holding me tighter. When Malachi walked over, I stood. “You stay the hell away from her, you monster. You will not touch her again. You got a problem with me, then take it out on me, but you leave her alone.”
Malachi grinned, “Oh, I have plans for you bitch.”
“Fine,” I stated flatly, trying not to think what he was thinking. “I will go willingly with you, but you will leave these babies alone.”
Turning away from him, I removed Rebekah from my neck and placed her on the small chair in the room. Grabbing the diaper bag, I put the strap over Rebekah’s shoulder and then handed her Hailey and closed her arms tight around the small baby. Leaning close to kiss her cheek, I whispered softly, “As soon as I’m gone. Take Hailey and run baby. Go find daddy. Please do as I say.” I then kissed both their heads and stood to face my nightmare.
I was yanked forcefully out of the room and back down the stairs. I followed him into the kitchen, where he opened another door that led to the basement. Before I could take one step, Malachi pushed me hard, and I fell, screaming as I tumbled down the rough wooden stairs until my head hit the hard concrete below. Shaking off the pain and the dizziness I felt, I carefully scooted back as I watched Malachi slowly descend the stairs, closing the door behind him.
The second his foot stepped on the concrete, I flinched.
He was going to kill me.
I could see it in his eyes.
I didn’t know what I did to deserve his wrath, but it was evident on his face. The man looked murderous. I cried out as he yanked me up by my hair and shoving me towards a small palette of blankets on the floor. Falling to my knees, I watched in horror as the man started to unbuckle his pants.
“I told you I was going to take that ass bitch, and now there is no one to save you.” He said, yanking his belt from its loops.
I tried to crawl over to the corner only to be pulled back when his hand reached out and grabbed my ankle. Kicking and screaming, I fought him with everything I had in me. He was right. I wasn’t strong enough to stop what was about to happen, but I would be damned if I’d just let him have it.
Reaching out, I slapped him hard across the face, which only angered him further, but I didn’t care. I was done being a victim. I was tired of not fighting back. Kicking out with my right leg, I hit his stomach, knocking the air out of him. “Not so docile anymore, am I asshole?”
“I’m going to fucking kill you.”
“Good luck,” I said, reaching for anything I could use to defend myself when my fingers touched a long metal pipe. Grabbing it, I held tightly to it, getting to my feet before I took a swing.
I missed.
“I am tired of being used and tossed about as if I’m nothing. I am tired of assholes like you thinking you can do whatever you want to women. You are not God! You are scum, evil, hateful, and you don’t deserve to breathe air!”
I swung again, this time connecting with his left shoulder. He grimaced. “I am not helpless! I know my worth! I am not some piece of meat for you to use at your convenience, and I am definitely not going to let you hurt another soul.”
I went to swing the metal pipe in my hands, only to have him yank it from me. He quickly turned it back on me, as it connected with my head knocking me to the floor. I could feel the warm stickiness of my own blood as it trickled down my face. Everything was hazy and dark as spots floated before my eyes. I felt him ripping my shirt from my body as he grabbed my breast tightly. I knew what he was going to do, and once again, I was helpless to stop it.
I tried. I really did, but I wasn’t good enough. Strong enough.