Page 45 of Player
“I want to show you something.”
“Okay,” she barely said, nodding her head.
Getting up, I put my boots back on and reached out my hand for her. She hesitated for just a second before she placed her hand in mine. Helping her to her feet, I made sure she was adequately dressed, and together, we headed downstairs.
The main room was full of brothers just sitting around talking and drinking. Women laughed as they tried to seduce the men. It was a typical day, and for the first time since I arrived at the Golden Skulls compound, I was ashamed, and I was mainly embarrassed that Catarina had to see what my life was like since we were separated.
Saying nothing, I ushered her out of the clubhouse as fast as I could. Walking towards Massacre’s garage, she said nothing as she looked around the compound. Honestly, it wasn’t much to look at but the main clubhouse, a few out buildings, and the Golden Skull Garage and Body Works that Massacre and I owned and operated.
Walking into the garage from the side door, I led her past a few cars needing attention and towards one of the main bays. Releasing her hand, I hit a green button, and the bay door slowly rolled up, allowing fresh air into the large place.
Turning, I smiled as I spotted what I was looking for.
In the middle of the bay was a large tarp. Wasting no time, I picked up the end of the tarp, lifted and flung it back to reveal mine and Massacre’s bikes. Massacre had put them both here before we left with Layla for Chicago.
God, that seemed like a lifetime ago.
Running my hand lightly over the handlebars, down the tank to the soft leather seat, I couldn’t wait to take her out for a ride. For the longest time, she was my love. The only thing I really talked to. I can remember many rides where it was just me and my bike, and I would tell her my deepest wants and secrets. She never complained, not once.
Looking up, I spotted Catarina staring at me with a slight grin on her face. Walking over to her, I asked, “Wanna go for a ride with me?”
“On that?” she asked, looking around me.
“Is it safe?”
“You are always safe with me.” I said, grabbing her hand, leading her towards my bike as I said, “I bought you something?”
“You did?” she smiled up at me.
Grinning, I left her near my bike and walked over to my locker, opened it, and removed the small box I had placed in there several years ago.
Returning to her, I placed the box on the seat of my bike and opened it. Taking out a solid white silver helmet. Walking around my bike, I stopped in front of her and said, “When I bought this, I never thought I’d ever be able to give it to you. I hope it fits.”
Catarina didn’t say anything as she took the helmet from me and placed it on her head. Unlike Reaper and Ghost, who bought their women girly biker helmets, I wanted something that would totally encompass my woman’s head, and I wanted her protected. So, I went with a professional motorcycling helmet and not just any helmet either, the Arai Corsair X RC Helmet. Its lightweight and flexibility would allow her to move comfortably as we rode down the road.
She took the helmet from me and looked at it.
I really hope she liked it. I wanted to be able to share this part of myself with her. I even had Ink detail it for me.
“It has my name on it,” she said, looking up at me.
“I wanted it to be special. I’ve never had anyone on my bike, and I hoped that someday I would get to share this with you. Do you like it?”
“Of course, I like it. You bought it for me. I love it.”
“Will you go for a ride with me?”
Cat grinned, put the helmet on her head, and nodded.
I chuckled as I lifted her visor so I could see her eyes. They were sparkling with excitement. Taking a few minutes to adjust her helmet and make sure it was secure, I hopped on my bike. Turning back to her, I said, “Just throw your right leg over the seat, baby and put your feet on those two pegs.”
Doing as I instructed, I smiled as I noticed she sat stiffly behind me. Grabbing her hands, I pulled her forward. “Relax. Just follow my body as I move on the road. If I lean left, don’t resist. Just follow my lead. Trust me, you will get the hang of it fast. Also, hold tight to me. Don’t let go.”
“Never,” I heard her whisper right before I started my engine.