Page 46 of Player
Releasing the kickstand, I slowly maneuvered my bike out of the garage.
Time slowed as the world blew by on the long and winding roads. The California coastline was beautiful, magical, something that I would remember for the rest of my life. The feeling of flying through the air as Reggie sped down the road was freeing. I’d never felt anything like it before. I felt as if nothing horrible could ever catch me.
I was thankful he made sure I was dressed warmly. Though the day was beautiful, it was a bit chilly on the back of his bike. I had no idea where we were going, and I didn’t care. I was with him, and we were safe.
I didn’t know how long we were on the road when I heard a few more bikes come up behind us. Turning slowly, I saw several bikes come up behind us. His brothers, as he called them.
They were there.
In my time with the Golden Skulls, I had come to realize that in some way, they were like a family. They looked after one another, and they were there for each other and were always around when needed. No one complained. They were, in essence, a family of sorts.
A weird, mix-matched, rough around the edges…family.
Over the next hour, I let everything go and felt the rumble of the bike between my legs, the wind whipping around me as I held onto Reggie as we rode to where I didn’t know. It was nice to forget about everything and just be. To let all my worries, vanish even if it was for a short time. I was actually able to think if I wanted to, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to think about anything.
I just wanted to feel.
To feel something other than pain.
That’s what Reggie was giving me.
The chance to feel again.
Holding him tighter around his waist, I laid my head against his back, closed my eyes, and gave into the wonder of the day. I felt his tight stomach contract under my embrace as one of his hands came to rest over mine. He, too, was enjoying this day.
Minutes later, the bike slowed and carefully turned off the main road. Looking around, I had no clue where we were at, and I didn’t care. I never wanted this day to end because if it did, reality would push back, and I wasn’t ready for that yet.
I just wanted one day.
Just one day.
When the bike slowed to a stop, I looked around and noticed a small house that was under construction. The significant parts of the house were built. The roof was on, and windows were in place, and I could tell whoever was building this home was taking their time. The attention to detail was intriguing as the house wasn’t like others I’d ever seen. A large deck wrapped around the house and stairs that went down to the sandy beach at the back of the property.
Taking off my helmet, I stared at the vast ocean in front of me, in awe of its beauty and serenity. Carefully getting off the bike, I handed Reggie my helmet and walked towards the beach. I felt as if it was calling to me, beckoning me to it.
Carefully walking down the steps, I trodded through the sand as I neared the ocean. It was a magnificent thing before me. Standing before the ocean, I looked out into the vastness as Reggie stepped behind me, wrapping his arms around me.
“It’s beautiful.”
“I was hoping you’d like the view.”
“I do,” I whispered, leaning into him as his arms tightened around me. There were moments I still couldn’t believe we were together. For so long, I resigned myself to never seeing him again. But moments like this, it still amazed me that our lives had found our way back to each other. I knew there was a lesson somewhere in our separation, but I didn’t know what it was. Nor did I care. We were together, and I prayed that nothing ever separated us again.
We’d both been through too much already, and with Colin still out there, I knew we wouldn’t be complete until we were all reunited. It was moments like this that gave me hope. I honestly believed that nothing this beautiful, this peaceful, could be bad. Deep down, I knew that Reggie and his brothers were all doing everything they could to get Colin back to me. I had to believe that because the alternative was something I wouldn’t be able to live with. I just needed to give them time and have patience. For my son, I could do that.
I had to.
“What is Colin like?”
I smiled. “He is perfect, Reggie. He is so much like you. He hates peas but loves carrots. He sleeps with his arm over his head like you, and when he smiles, he has these dimples that brighten his face. He is such a happy boy.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. If I had known, I would have scoured the earth for you.”
“I know.”