Page 87 of Player
“I’ve already talked with Ravage about this. We’ve come up with a preliminary plan that we believe is doable. We will split the shipments between the two chapters, housing the guns between the two locations. When you nominate a new Chapter President for the Florida Chapter, we can bring him up to speed, giving us a third location to use. I still think we need to leave Doolittle’s chapter out of this since he only has six members so far.”
“Agreed,” Reaper stated. “For the foreseeable future, Savage is going to be out of commission until he gets his shit together. So, I need you, Vicious, to step into the Sergeant of Arms position. Can you handle that?”
“Yep,” the man said. “Consider it taken care of.”
“The last sighting of Bullseye was in New York City over a month ago. God only knows where he’s at now. I don’t trust him in the state he’s in, so Sheik and Maverick, you two are up. You two are the best trackers I have. Find him but do not engage. I want eyes on him, that’s it. Understood?”
Sheik was originally part of the Louisiana chapter like Vicious when their chapter President Prime got in league with the Collector. When this club raided their compound, we found Reaper’s woman, Remi, there. It did not end well for most of the chapter. As for Maverick, he was a nomad that took off with Judge and a few others, only returning several months ago when Bullseye and several others were hurt rescuing his sister.
“That brings us to Player,” Reaper said, looking at me. “I know you want to get back to your woman and kid, but this shit with Hughes isn’t over with yet. Sypher, you’re up.”
“Okay, Mr. Reaper,” Sypher blushed before clicking a remote turning the TV on. “Before you rescued your son Mr. Player, Mr. Reaper was sent an email from your cousin Mr. Valentinetti. Within that email were ten photos. Those photos were leaked to a local paper in Chicago where a national network got ahold of them.”
“Okay,” I said, trying to move the young man along. I wanted to get back to my son and woman fast.
“Mr. Reaper asked me to look into Ms. Catarina’s time in Italy. As you know, I was able to find information on her time in the breeding program run by Victor Bianchi.”
“I know this already,” I growled, trying to remember the picture I saw of her there. I was just getting a handle on my anger, and I didn’t want anything revving me up again.
Sypher looked at Reaper, then Phantom, who sighed. “Player, what Sypher is trying to tell you is that he found more information. A shit ton of it. He was able to break into Bianchi’s computer database. He found Catarina’s file. Everything from when she first arrived to when she gave birth. We know who provided the sperm for her second child. It was Gary Hughes.”
My hand gripped the arms of the chair so fucking hard I swore I heard the wood crack. Trying to not lose my shit, I sat there, never taking my eyes off Phantom as she continued.
“The photos your cousin received were of Catarina, Gary Hughes, and his father-in-law Edward Allsworth Lyons Jr. They were raping her. According to her file, Hughes wanted a biological child. His wife was barren. So, his father-in-law, Edward Allsworth Lyons Jr, put Hughes in contact with Bianchi. They both flew over together and paid Bianchi two million dollars for Catarina in the hopes that she would become pregnant. When she did, Hughes paid Bianchi twenty-five thousand a month until Catarina gave birth. However, when the baby was born, Bianchi told Hughes the child had died. Hughes was pissed and insisted Bianchi return his money. When Bianchi didn’t, Hughes threatened to expose Bianchi. Only Bianchi beat him to it when he sent Giovanni the photos, knowing that Giovanni would go after Hughes.”
“I need a ticket to Chicago,” I quietly said to no one in particular. That mother fucker was still breathing in my cousin’s basement. He wouldn’t be when I got my hands on him. There was no fucking way I was going to let him live on the same fucking planet as Catarina.
He was a dead man walking.
“We will get you on a plane soon, but you need to hear everything,” Reaper said, motioning for Phantom to continue.
“According to the file Sypher was able to retrieve, it stated that the baby, a girl failed to take her first breath. But Sypher noticed a trend in all the files. When a woman gave birth to a girl, the girls all died. We don’t think they did. A male child is worth more than a female from a money standpoint. For a man like Hughes, he would have wanted a male. Not a female. Sypher and I believe that Catarina’s daughter lived and was shipped off to another family who didn’t care if the baby was male or female.”
“Any leads?” Reaper asked.
“Not yet, Mr. Reaper. I’m still digging.”
“What about Daddy Warbucks?” Ghost asked.
“Edward Allsworth Lyons Jr disappeared when the news of his extracurricular activities hit the news. His wife, Abigail Brentwood, has already filed for divorce and is distancing herself from the media and him. She is currently seeking refuge within her family’s compound in upstate New York. As for Lyons Jr, I found his link to Diablo. Lyons was Diablo’s curator. He provided Diablo with an array of men, women, and children brokering several deals for political gain. With Diablo in the wind, we need to focus our attention on finding Lyons and identifying the remaining Original Seven. Until their identities are known, we can’t know for sure how deep this trafficking ring goes.”
“How much longer do you need?” Reaper asked.
“I have my facial recognition software running twenty-four-seven. But the world is a big fucking place. There are billions of people on this planet. It's going to take time. Also, Vicious was right. The DNA he pulled off that nursery he raided identified a new player, her name is….”
I tried to listen to everything Phantom was saying, but I couldn’t get my mind off the fact that the mother fucker I had in my hands in Maine was still alive. I should have killed him when I had the chance. Then again, I wouldn’t be able to do what I wanted when I saw him again. I was itching to get my ass back to Chicago. I knew Gio would let me have my fun. I wanted to see the man bleed. I wanted to hear him scream. I wanted him to suffer like no other man had suffered. And when he thought his life was going to end, I wanted him to watch me walkway, knowing I would come back again and again.
If I could keep him alive for my own amusement for the rest of my life, I would be happy, but I couldn’t do that to Catarina. She needed to know that the man would never ever hurt her again. I wanted my son to grow up in a world free of a man like Hughes.
No matter what I did, this shit was never going to end.
There would always be some evil fucker out there that was hell-bent on destroying everything good in this world. Men like Hughes, Lyons, and Bianchi multiplied like cockroaches.
When one died, five took their place.
It was never-ending.
I couldn’t do this anymore.