Page 88 of Player
If I stayed here, there would always be someone we needed to stop. I’d given a good portion of my life to this club. I loved all my brothers, but my family meant more to me.
Getting to my feet, all talk stopped, and everyone looked at me. Placing my hand on my cut, I went to take it off when Reaper stood and said, “Player don’t. I know what you are thinking, but I can’t let you do this.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“Reggie, please,” Reaper pleaded, and when I looked into his eyes, I could see the pain in them. A hurt that I put there. I never wanted to hurt any of my brothers, but I didn’t see any other way. I couldn’t deal with this shit anymore, and I didn’t want to.
I wanted my woman and son.
I wanted a normal life.
A life I wouldn’t get if I stayed here.
I had no other choice.
Ghost got to his feet, placed his hand on my shoulder, “Sleep on it. Let us get you to Chicago. Take care of what you need to there. Spend time with your family. Just think about this before you can’t take it back.”
“I won’t be coming back, Ghost. You know that.”
He sighed and nodded. “I know Reggie. But please don’t turn in your cut. You are our brother, and we are all here for you. Take all the time you need. We ain’t going anywhere. Okay.”
Nodding, I said nothing more as I left church without looking back.
I couldn’t.
I couldn’t deal with the pain I was causing my brothers.
Needing the comfort of my woman and son, I headed upstairs, praying they would understand and accept my decision because I already knew what I was going to do.
The second we pulled into the compound in Chicago, I watched as my mother rushed from the house. Seeing the tears in her eyes, I quickly got out of the vehicle and managed to catch her before she plowed into me.
Hugging her tightly to me, I said nothing as her words of welcome washed over me. “You’re home. Oh God, I missed you, Reginald.”
“I missed you too mom.”
“Is Catarina and my grandson with you?”
Laughing, I released her, knowing that was the real reason she was happy to see me. Not that I hadn’t been home in years or the fact that I left Chicago beaten and left for dead. But hey, my life didn’t matter because I was bringing home Catarina and her first grandson.
At least I knew where I stood in her pecking order.
At the bottom of the barrel.
Moving away from my mother, I reached into to vehicle and carefully pulled Colin out, allowing Cat to exit on her own. Holding my son close, I turned and faced my mother, who gasped upon seeing her grandson for the first time.
“Oh, my Goodness. He looks just like you and your father,” she whispered as more tears started to form. Colin had slept the whole flight, and though he was still a little groggy, he seemed to be interested in his new surroundings. And when my mother went to gently touch his little chubby hand, Colin shied away from her, snuggling closer to my chest.
“Give him time Mom. He’s been through a lot.”
“I know,” my mother sniffed as she gently rubbed his back. “Giovanni told me. Tell me you took care of it.”
“Part of it. The rest will be taken care of soon.”
“Good,” my mother said, firmly looking at me. I may be a lot of things and feel strongly about my son and Catarina, but nothing compared to my mother or her children. The woman was a veritable lioness, and God help anyone who harmed us.