Page 22 of Savage
Fucking hell.
Nodding, I turned and left.
From the look in her eyes, I knew that she wasn’t going to tell me anything else. I got what I came for. Her mom’s name. Phantom could do the rest if Reaper wanted to know more. But mostly, seeing and hearing the way she said the club’s name I knew Jess harbored some serious hatred towards the club. How deep that hatred went, I didn’t know but it shed light on why she was so standoffish with me.
Something happened in her past. Something that made her turn her back on her family and the club. Whatever it was, it bad enough she wanted nothing to do with us, especially me. To make matters worse, Darla knew her. Which meant I was more than likely going to be forced to talk to the bitch because I was the last one to fuck her.
Sitting back down at the bar, Phantom said, “Well?”
“Candy Banks. Cut slut with the Golden Skulls.”
“Which chapter?”
“No fucking clue,” I said.
“Fuck,” Phantom whispered. “I’m sorry Savage. I know you liked her.”
I ignored her and shouted at Chaos. “Give me a fucking beer.”