Page 23 of Savage
I watched as the sun rose over the horizon.
I didn’t sleep at all, knowing that my time here was over. I also stayed awake all night to make sure no brother came into my room. I had heard and seen too much to know that they couldn’t let someone like me get away with deceiving them. I knew what really went on in these clubs.
I was raised in them.
I saw too much before I really understood what was going on.
My mother tried to protect me as best she could but even the wedding ring on her finger wasn’t enough, especially when my own fucking father did nothing to stop them.
Toxic may have married my mother but he never claimed her. He never gave her his property patch, making her his Ol’Lady and because of that, my mother lived in the in-between of two worlds.
Not really a club whore and not specifically an Ol’Lady.
Wedding vows didn’t mean shit, unless a woman wore the property patch. Without the patch, she could still go to club events and interact but she could also be touched. It was pure hell for those women. Women like my mother, who only wanted someone to love her. Those who had the patch looked down on those who didn’t have one. They were belittled, made fun of, treated like trash. As for the brothers, well no patch meant they were free game. Typically, the so-called husbands did nothing to stop it, because their dicks were buried in another woman. The patch was the get out of hell card. Without it, the women lived in purgatory.
Damned if they did, damned if they didn’t.
As for the kids, well we were protected until we reached puberty. For me that was twelve years old. After that, my mother refused to allow me near the club. But when summoned, I had no choice, neither did she. When I was thirteen and a brother tried to rape me, my mother interfered, which she paid dearly for. Toxic laughed and did nothing to stop the fucker.
Three years later, my mother was dead and I was on my own.
The door handle jiggled.
Turning, I said nothing.
Waiting, I didn’t move.
Someone knocked.
“Jessica, Reaper wants to see you.”
Getting to my feet, I walked to the door, unlocked it, then opened it to find Massacre standing before me. I didn’t bother looking him in the eyes. I didn’t want to see his pity.
Following him downstairs, I held my head high, as brothers stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Some frowned, some looked away, while other licked their lips.
I knew what they were all thinking.
I’d seen those looks before.
If they thought to intimidate me, they thought wrong.
I’d seen bigger, badder men in my life than them.
These pussies had nothing on my father’s boys.
“Sit down Jessica,” Reaper said, sitting at the head of the table.
Doing as he instructed, I stayed quiet as Massacre left the room.
I knew the drill.
Phantom walked in, along with Sypher and Ghost who closed the door behind them.
“Before they get started, do you have anything you want to say?”