Page 36 of Single Malt Drama
“Who’ll my father want to make alliances with next? Who will he sell me to?” Names and faces spun through my mind like images on a slot machine. Several less powerful families had made it known they wanted a seat at the table. Which one would my father choose? Which man would he demand I marry next? A total stranger? Someone two or three times my age?
“No one if you’re already married to me.”
“Yes.” The word fell out of my mouth before I could stop it. He was right—there were far worse reasons to commit your life to someone than spending time with your best friend.
Marco’s face lit up like Saint Peter’s Square on Christmas Eve. “Yeah?”
He patted his pants pockets, likely looking for his phone.
“Wait. Before you tell anyone, we need to work out the rules.”
His hands stilled. “Rules?”
Yes, rules, because I need to protect my heart. “We can go through with the fake marriage because you promised me nothing would ruin our friendship, but we should have terms. That way we’re clear on the expectations.”
“Fake marriage. Right.” He glanced away. “Lay them on me.”
“We need a definite time limit.” I tapped my lips. How long can I play platonic house with him and somehow survive when it ends? “Six months.”
“You’re doing this to keep your father from forcing you to marry someone else. Shouldn’t we plan to end the marriage when the threat is gone?”
“That could take years.” I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bottle up my feelings for him, but if I didn’t, I wouldn’t want to walk away.
His eyes widened. “Nine months.”
The tone of his voice told me the mere mention of spending years with me horrified him. I couldn’t bring myself to meet his gaze.
Marco cleared his throat. “What else?”
“You mentioned not consummating the union as a failsafe, but it isn’t. We can petition the Church based on the fact I’m still a virgin, but—”
Marco whipped his head back to me. “You’re a virgin?”
Biting my lip, I nodded.
“How is that even possible?”
“You should ask how it’s possible I could have had sex.” I grinned at his wide-eyed expression. “I’ve been surrounded by bodyguards my entire life.”
He moved his hands as if trying to grasp an invisible object. “But you’ve dated guys.”
“Yes, under the illusion of privacy, but my father’s men were never far away.” His reaction made my cheeks burn. “You’re behaving like I have a terminal disease.”
Marco tossed his head back in laughter. “No, not terminal. There’s a simple cure.”
I smacked his arm and stood. “As I was saying, the entire notion of proving virginity through a physical exam is a myth. There is no actual medical test to verify a woman has never had intercourse.”
His grin broadened. “We could do the deed and still have the marriage dissolved?”
“Doing deeds complicates things. Now, stop thinking about sex and focus.” I shook my head. “We would need to prove the marriage was entered into under duress or false pretenses.”
“Easy. We can sign a document outlining the reasons we are doing it.”
Any doubt I had about his intentions vanished. I’d sign whatever he put in front of me, but I wouldn’t read it. There were some things I didn’t want to know, like his true feelings for me. “Sure.”
Marco took my hand. “Let’s go.”