Page 22 of Eternal Love
“Right behind you, love,” Farrell said, following Lily and the girls down the ramp with Luca while Nico put an arm around Angel and pulled her close for akiss.
They came to the fence and Jenna watched as one of the bears walked over a tree trunk, stretched over a pond. The animal moved gracefully in spite of its size, traversing the trunk like a gymnast over a balancebeam.
Was Isabel right? Was Jenna forgetting herself? Were she and Farrell forgetting how to be themselves with each other, cracking under the pressure of parenting and managing their complicatedlifestyle?
Or was it her secret? Was Farrell able to sense there was something unsaid? That she was keeping something fromhim?
It wouldn’t surprise her. He knew her better thananyone.
She drew in a deep breath and was surprised when Isabel covered her hand on therailing.
“Try not to worry,” she said. “I can see that there is love between you. These things have a way of working themselves out when there islove.”
Jenna smiled and squeezed Isabel’s hand. “Thankyou.”
Isabel was right — love was never in short supply. Words weren’t easy for either of them, but Jenna knew the love was there. She felt it in the way he looked at her, like she was the sun, moon, andstars.
The way he always held her a moment longer thannecessary.
The way he made love to her like there was nothing in the world as urgent as joining his body withhers.
“What are you two talking about?” Angel said, joining them by therailing.
“The men, but I’ve had quite enough of it,” Jennasaid.
Angel laughed. “Amen. I was thinking the day after tomorrow might be the perfect day for a shopping trip in the city. I can call Maria to come watch the girls since the men will begone.”
Jenna looked at her. “Gone?”
Angel couldn’t hide her surprise. “They have to make a trip to Athens. You didn’tknow?”
Jenna wasn’t sure if she was angry or ashamed that Farrell hadn’t toldher.
“I’m sure it slipped Farrell’s mind,” Angel said. “And anyway, it’s only a day trip, which I think calls for a nice lunch and a little retailtherapy.”
“Did someone say retail therapy?” Charlotte asked, joiningthem.
Angel lifted a hand. “Guilty as charged. It’s incredibly materialistic, of course, but it’s been ages since I’ve so much as window-shopped for anything other than children’s clothes, toys, andhousewares.”
“I’m in,” Jenna said, trying to hide her annoyance atFarrell.
Why hadn’t he told her about the trip toGreece?
“Shopping for anything made in this century sounds heavenly,” Charlottesaid.
“Are you still working on the house?” Angelasked.
Calling the Marchand estate on the French island of Corsica a house was a bit like calling the Mona Lisa a craft project. Restoring it — and the antiques Christophe was determined to return to the family estate — was a full-timejob.
“Still?” Charlotte asked with a lift of one delicate brow. “I’ll be restoring that place on my deathbed, I’msure.”
Angel laughed. “You poor thing. I think you deserve something beautiful, just foryou.”
“It’s settled then,” Isabel said. “A day in Rome — no men, no children, no purchasing of dishes or stuffed animals or tiny clothingallowed.”
“Unless the tiny clothes are for us,” Jenna laughed, thinking of her extensive lingeriecollection.
“Oh, you’re naughty!” Charlotte’s smile was sly. “I like that aboutyou.”
Jenna laughed, her cheeks flushing. She’d never had any real friends besides Kate. She wasn’t practiced at the intimacy and vulnerability ofit.
But she liked these women. The prospect of finding refuge in their friendship was like the promise of a warm fire in the hearth of a long-coldhouse.
Her excitement was dampened by nervousness when Farrell turned away from the bears and started up the ramp towardthem.
He smiled when his eyes found hers, but she couldn’t help remembering that he’d kept the trip to Greece fromher.
Couldn’t help wondering what else he was keeping fromher.