Page 23 of Eternal Love
Farrell finishedhis drink and contemplated protesting as Nico tried to pour him another one. He decided against it and settled into the chair in the courtyard, relishing the warmth of the outdoor fireplace and the patio heaters, the distant hum of Rome, the companionship of the men aroundhim.
One more. He would have one more drink, then he would join Jennaupstairs.
They’d had a wonderful day in Rome the day before, visiting the zoo and the Trevi fountain, stopping for pizza and gelato along theway.
They’d followed it up with a low-key day at the villa, cooking and watching movies and letting the girls talk them into a swim in the pool even when they had to wear coats to supervisethem.
It was a rare opportunity to try out the dynamic of the ruling families of the Syndicate, and Farrell had been pleased to find that everything worked. The children adored each other and the women planned a shopping trip and discussed their various lines of work and charitablefoundations.
It had been an easy, companionable two days, except for the strange resentment emanating fromJenna.
It wasn’t entirely new. If he were being honest with himself, an indecipherable brand of tension had been brewing between them since they’d arrived in Rome. Their day in the city had done little to ease hismind.
Was Jenna having second thoughts about the life she’d chosen with him? The life she’d chosen forLily?
Maybe being around the Syndicate families so intimately, so totally, had driven home their connection in a more concreteway.
Up until now, she’d been fairly isolated by their lives in London and Tuscany. It might have been easy to imagine Farrell was a businessman who traveled a lot, one who could afford to take her on beautiful vacations and fund a lavish lifestyle because of stock trades or international businessmergers.
They’d made a point to keep business out of the conversation for the holiday, but the holiday would be irrefutable proof of their connection to Nico and the other Syndicate leaders and theirfamilies.
“What’s the plan for tomorrow?” Luca asked, breaking into Farrell’sthoughts.
“We pay visits to the leaders of the most powerful families in Athens,” Nicosaid.
“All of them?” Christopheasked.
“It’s not as daunting as it may seem,” Farrellsaid.
Since the death of Stefano Anastos, the Greek territory had been overrun by small-time players who fancied themselves mob bosses, but there were only a handful of real players, men who needed to be reminded they were allowed to operate in the Athens territory only because the Syndicate allowedit.
“Farrell’s right,” Luca said. “There are only a few bosses with any realpower.”
“Five, to be exact,” Nico said. “Easily reachable in a day, especially if we split up. I’ve arranged for two cars for that purpose. We’ll go inteams.”
“What time do we leave?” Farrellasked.
“Seven,” Nico said. “With any luck, we’ll be back in time fordinner.”
Farrell finished his drinks and stood. “Then it’s time for me to call it anight.”
He wasn’t at all worried about sleep. He’d spent his life pushing his limits, forcing himself to perform on less food, less sleep, than any of hisrivals.
But he wanted to see Jenna before she fell asleep, not only to tell her about Greece but to strip off her clothes, to bury his fingers and mouth and body in her silky flesh until she screamed withpleasure.
They exchanged goodnights and Farrell stepped into the house and headed up the stairs. He was suddenly annoyed with himself for not telling Jenna about Greece earlier. What the fuck was wrong with him? Why was he springing it on her the night before? Was he trying to piss her off? Trying to see how far he could push her before she pushedback?
He shook his head as he started down the hall. He was being a bloody wanker and he wasn’t even surewhy.
He was uncharacteristically off-balance, the ring burning a hole in the pocket of every jacket he owned. He had no problem making Jenna his in bed every night, owning her body like an occupying force, giving himself over to her pleasure and then taking his until they were both wrungout.
And yet he couldn’t get the fucking proposal out of hismouth.
He wanted Jenna to be his wife with a single-minded desire that was making him stupid, but he was running out of time, both the impending holiday and the increasing tension between them like a clock ticking under theproposal.
Tomorrow they would go to Athens, and the next day was Christmas Eve. He needed to make his move. He and Jenna would survive, even if she wasn’t ready formarriage.