Page 10 of Possessing Demon
“Shit,” Demon said, poking his head into the bathroom. “Your eye looks worse. Maybe we should have it looked at.” Luna wanted to tell him that she was fine, but he’d be able to just look at her to know that she was lying. “I have a friend at the club who’s a doctor, and I’m sure that he’ll make a house call for Joel’s little sister.”
“Please stop calling me that,” she grumbled. “I think that it might be best to call your friend over. I’m in a whole lot of pain, and the Tylenol isn’t really working anymore.”
“I’ll call Doc now,” Demon said, pulling his cell phone from his sweatpants. He had put them on with a clean t-shirt and she had to admit, she could see the appeal of gray sweatpants. She had overheard some girls talking about it being gray sweatpants season once October rolled around, and now, she understood what they were going on about. Demon seemed to fill his out in all the right places.
“Thanks,” she said, “I’ll get dressed.”
“Do you think that you can eat something?” he asked.
“I can try—just nothing hard or chewy. My face hurts,” she said.
“Got it—nothing hard or chewy. By the way, your brother called for an update on how you’re feeling. I told him that you were still asleep, but he’ll keep calling until you call him back.” She knew that Demon was correct about Joel. Her older brother didn’t know when to give up, and he’d find a way to track her down and ask her a million questions if she didn’t call him back.
“I’ll call him as soon as I’m done getting dressed,” she agreed. “You seem to know my brother very well. He’d blow up my phone if I didn’t call him back.”
“I like to know all of the club members well. I’m their enforcer, and it’s my job to get to know all of them so that I can keep our club safe.”
“Well, I’m sure that you’re good at what you do,” she said. “If Joel came to you to protect me, you must be trustworthy because my brother doesn’t trust easily.”
“I appreciate you saying that, but I think Joel came to me because this is what I do for the club. I help the members out when they’re in trouble. I keep them safe, and that extends to family members too.”
“Is it dangerous?” she asked. “You know, what you do for the club.”
“It can be,” he admitted, “but, I’m used to dangerous jobs. I mean, I told you what I do for a living. I go into impossible situations and come out the other side whenever I’m called to by the government. I guess that I’m just used to it.”
“I don’t think that I could ever do what you do. I’m a giant chicken,” Luna insisted. She remembered the fear that she felt when the guys from the Ghosts chased her into that alleyway and started to beat on her face, asking her questions. She was terrified and clueless as to what to do.
“I beg to differ,” Demon said, “I think that you’re the bravest person that I’ve ever met. I mean, you faced down the Ghosts and got away. You were brave enough to escape out of my guest room window and go off on your own, knowing that they were out there looking for you. I think that makes you pretty brave in my book.”
“Thanks,” she said, “but, all I feel today is pain and regret for letting them catch me in the first place.”
“You didn’t let them catch you. In fact, you didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, from what you told me about the encounter. I’d love just ten minutes with those assholes for what they did to you though. I’d teach them to pick on someone their own size,” Demon growled. Luna thought that was the sweetest thing that anyone had ever said to her. Usually, he was reminding her how much younger she was than him, and she was sure that he was trying to convince himself that she was hands-off. She’d protest if she had the strength, but she just didn’t have it in her to give him any grief today.
“Listen, we have to run to the grocery store, but I promise to let you get some rest once we get back. I’m sure that will help you feel better.” Luna groaned and sat down on the edge of the tub.
“I’d love a hot bath and an ice pack. Can’t I just stay here while you run to the store? You can lock me in here and set your high-tech security system. No one even knows that I’m here and I’m sure that I’ll be completely safe,” she insisted. The thought of getting dressed and going out with him to the store was exhausting.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Demon said. “What if they show up here?”
“They don’t even know that I’m here. I’m not sure how they would even connect me to you. I’m safe—just go to the store and hurry back. I’ll be soaking in your master bathroom tub.” Demon looked her over and Luna could tell that he wanted to protest, but instead, he nodded.
“Fine,” he agreed, “although, I think that this is a bad idea, you look like hell, and I don’t want to drag you out of here feeling that way.”
“Thank you,” she said. Luna stood from the side of the tub and went up on her tiptoes to gently kiss his cheek. “I appreciate that Demon,” she said.
“What was that for?” he asked.
“For letting me stay here and being so nice to me, even when I haven’t made it easy on you,” Luna said. She gave everyone hell, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. No, she wanted Demon to believe that she would give him a hard time at every turn. Things would be easier for her if he believed that, and right now, Luna needed easy.
Demon walked into the back door of his kitchen as his cell phone buzzed in his pocket. He practically dropped the grocery bags onto the counter and grabbed his phone from his pocket.
“What,” he barked.
“Hey man, is now a bad time?” Savage asked. He had left Luna alone, agreeing to let her stay at his place and take a hot bath while he ran just up the road to the grocery store. He was a fool for thinking that leaving her would be easy because it wasn’t. He worried the whole time that he was gone that the Ghosts would catch up to her at his place somehow. He must have called her about a million times in the thirty minutes that he was gone, and she hadn’t answered one damn time.
“No, it’s not a bad time, but hold on for a minute,” he said.