Page 11 of Possessing Demon
“No problem,” Savage agreed. Demon left his cell phone on the kitchen counter and ran up the stairs to the master bathroom. He told her to make herself at home, after agreeing to keep her at his place, and apparently, taking over his bathroom was part of making herself feel at home.
Demon banged on the locked door, and she squealed from the other side. “You good in there?” he shouted.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Luna shouted back.
Demon rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, letting it back out. For some reason, Luna really seemed to try his patience. “Because you didn’t answer any of my calls and I must have tried calling you more than a dozen times.”
“Oh, sorry,” she shouted, “I left my phone in my room to charge. I didn’t know that you’d be so needy that you’d call me while you were at the grocery store,” she sassed.
“I’m not needy,” he insisted, “I was worried about you.”
“Aww, you were?” she asked. The last thing he needed was her getting the wrong idea about what he meant.
“Never mind,” he grumbled. “I’ll be downstairs putting away groceries.”
“Okay,” she shouted back. He knew that she was totally misconstruing his words and playing as if she wasn’t, but he didn’t have time to stand and debate everything with her through the bathroom door. First, he had to figure out what Savage needed, and then, he’d pretend that their whole conversation hadn’t just happened.
Demon jogged back down to the kitchen and picked up his phone. “You still there, man?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m here,” Savage grumbled. “Everything okay over there?” he asked.
“I’m going to put you on speaker so that I can put away groceries while we talk,” Demon said.
“No problem. What I’ve called to talk to you about isn’t confidential,” Savage said.
Demon put him on speaker and laid his phone on the counter. “Okay, what’s up?” he asked.
“I’m just checking in with you to make sure that you’re good to help at the bar on Halloween next weekend,” he said. “With the Ghosts going after our members, I’ll need your help to make sure everything runs smoothly.” God, Demon hated Halloween. The guys were rowdy as it was but add in a holiday, where all bets were off, and they were just plain wild.
“I’d love to help, but I have to babysit Joel’s little sister, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be on brat duty,” Demon said.
“You need to stop telling people that you’re babysitting me, and for the love of God, stop calling me, ‘Joel’s little sister,’” Luna said. She had come down from her bath wearing just her skimpy robe, with her wet hair wrapped in a towel, and Demon damn near swallowed his tongue. She was his walking wet dream and remembering that she was not only his buddy’s sister but also way too young for him, was getting harder and harder to do.
Savage’s laughter filled the other end of the call and Demon knew that he was going to give him some shit. “I thought that you were going to be dumping her off. You said you had someplace to stash her,” Savage said.
“I’m not furniture,” Luna grumbled, “you can’t just stick me somewhere and expect me to stay put.”
“Sorry, Luna,” Savage said. “How about you come with Demon and hang out at the bar on Halloween?” he asked. “We have a killer party and it’s a lot of fun.” Demon knew how much fun the guys usually had at their Halloween party and the last thing he wanted was Luna getting in the middle of that chaos. He was pretty sure that Joel would prefer to keep his little sister as far away from Savage Hell and its members. He didn’t want to bring her brother into the discussion unless he absolutely had to. He had made Luna the promise that he wouldn’t do that without discussing it with her beforehand.
“I’d love to as long as my face is feeling better by then. Thank you for the invitation, Savage,” Luna said. “It’s almost a week away, so hopefully, I’ll be on the mend.”
“Her face is worse today,” Demon cut in. “Her eye is completely sealed shut. Do you think that you can have Doc come over to take a look at her? I’ve left him a few messages but he’s not getting back to me.” He’d run her to town to the clinic, but the less time that they spent out in public, the easier it would be to keep Luna safe.
“I’m sure that I can get him to come over to take a look at Luna,” Savage said. “I’ll call him as soon as we get off the phone. Can I count on you to be here on Halloween?” he asked.
“As long as Luna will tag along, I’ll be there,” Demon agreed.
“I’m good with going to a Halloween party,” she agreed, “it will be nice to get out and have some fun.”
Demon groaned and Savage chuckled, “I’ll call Doc and have him text you when he can come over.”
“Thanks, man,” Demon said. “I appreciate it.”
“I do too,” Luna said. “Thanks, Savage.”
“No problem, guys, talk soon,” Savage said, ending the call.
Demon finished putting the groceries away as Luna sat in a kitchen chair, watching him. “So, you were really worried about me?” she asked. He put the milk in the refrigerator and shut the door, turning back to look at her. He had been worried about her when she didn’t answer the phone, but the way she was looking at him had him rethinking what he had said to her.