Page 12 of Possessing Demon
“I was worried, but don’t read too much into it,” he insisted, “I worry about all of my clients.”
“Your clients?” she asked. “I’m not your client, Demon,” she said.
“Sure you are,” he said, “we don’t really know each other and I’m keeping an eye on you for your brother. I don’t care if you say that you’re my client or he is, but I’m working for at least one of you.”
“We’re hardly strangers,” she said. “I mean, I did sleep in your home last night and shower in your bathroom. That counts for something,” she said.
“You don’t know me, Luna,” he insisted, “you don’t even know my real name.”
“Okay, so tell me your real name,” she said.
“I don’t really tell anyone my real name,” he said.
“Well, I can be one of the few whom you tell,” she insisted. He could tell that she wasn’t going to let him off the hook with the whole name thing. The only way that she was going to be satisfied was if he just told her.
“It’s Garrett Walters,” he almost whispered.
“See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?” she teased. “Your name is nice, why does everyone call you Demon?”
“It’s stuck from my military days. The guys called me Demon because I can move in and out of buildings without anyone noticing me. It’s why I’m so good at my job. They said that I must be a demon with the skills that I have, and well, it just stuck. My MC buddies called me Demon from the start and honestly, I think that Savage is the only guy in the club who knows my real name.”
“So, now I know your name. I can hardly be called your client. Admit it—you were worried about me because you couldn’t get in touch with me. It’s nice that you were worried.”
“Fine, you’re more than a client to me, but we still don’t really know each other. And yes, I was worried about you, but I was more worried that I was going to have to tell your brother that I let him down.”
She sighed, “You know what, I’m too tired and am in too much pain to sit here and talk about this anymore. If the doctor can see me, just wake me up. I’m going to have a nap.” She stood and stomped out of his kitchen and he couldn’t help but laugh. She was right—he was thinking about her as more than a client and that was a dangerous game to play. Getting emotionally involved with someone who he was supposed to be protecting wasn’t a good idea, but he couldn’t fight the attraction that he felt whenever she was in the same room as him. He didn’t want to. He liked Luna, and there was nothing that he could do about it anymore.
Demon was the most frustrating man that she had met in her whole life. Every time she thought that she was making headway with him, he’d take two steps back from her, making her have to start all over to break down his walls. Instead, she was constantly fighting with him, and God help her, she found that to be completely sexy. She loved a good battle and Demon gave her that at every turn. If her face didn’t hurt so damn much, she’d be up for more sparring, but she was tired, and everything hurt.
Luna popped two Tylenol into her mouth and drank down a glass of water from her bedside table. It was a little early for another dose, but she couldn’t deal with the pain. Hopefully, the doctor that Savage was sending over would be able to give her something stronger to help control the throbbing pain that shot from her eye to her chin.
She got into bed, pulling the covers over her head to help block out the sunlight that flooded her room, even with the curtains closed. She had only been asleep for what felt like a short time when she opened her eyes to find Demon standing over her, gently shaking her, calling her name.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice sounding hoarse.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he said, “Doc is here to see you.”
“How long have I been asleep?” she asked.
“Almost three hours now,” Demon said. “I’ll give you a few minutes to use the bathroom and stuff. Just shout down when you’re ready to have him take a look at you.”
“All right, thank you,” she whispered. She stood and followed him out of the room to the bathroom. Luna quickly brushed her teeth and brushed through her hair. She looked at her eye and noted that it was still swollen shut and looked just as bad as it had in the morning.
Luna walked back into the hallway and decided to go downstairs rather than have the guys come up to the guest room. “Hey,” she said, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. “I thought it might be easier if I just came down here,” she said.
“Wow,” the big biker standing next to Demon said. “I can see why you wanted to have that looked at. Have a seat,” he ordered.
Luna looked the big guy over and tried to paste on her best smile, even when she felt her bottom lip crack from the effort. “Are you sure that you’re a doctor?” she asked.
“Yeah, I know that I don’t look the part, but I promise you that I’m a doctor. You can call me Doc,” he said. “I help the guys out when they get into some trouble and can’t go to the hospital to get patched up. I’d be happy to take a look at your face.” He stood to the side of the chair that he had pulled out for her, and Luna crossed the kitchen to sit down, as he silently ordered.
“You really took a beating, didn’t you?” he asked.
“I’d say that you should see the other guy, but it would be a total lie. They really worked me over, but I didn’t tell them what they wanted to know,” she proudly boasted.
“Yeah, Savage told me about your run-in with the Ghosts. I’m sorry that you had to go through all of that. Let me take a look.” He shined a light into her eyes and told her to follow it without moving her head, and she did as well as she possibly could. “I’m going to put you on an antibiotic. You’ve got a few cuts and we don’t want them getting infected. Your eye’s swollen shut, but there doesn’t seem to be any permanent damage, although I won’t know for sure for a few more days. Any headaches?” Doc asked.