Page 13 of Possessing Demon
“Not really. I had one when I went to bed last night, but not today,” she said.
“That’s good, and you don’t seem to be showing signs of having a concussion. Any nausea?” he asked.
“No, none,” she said.
“Good, I’m going to give you some painkillers, but don’t overdo it with them,” he said. “They’re pretty powerful.” He put both bottles on the table for her.
“Got it,” she said, “I have to admit, I’ve been in a lot of pain, and I’d love to get some good sleep. Last night was rough.”
“These will definitely help,” he assured. “I’m going to check back in with you in a few days,” he insisted. “I’m betting that the next time that we see each other, I’ll be able to see both of those beautiful eyes of yours.”
“Are you always this charming when you check out the other club members?” she teased.
“Only the pretty ones,” Doc said, winking at her.
“Thanks for coming out here today, Doc,” Demon said. “I appreciate it.”
“I do too,” Luna said, “thank you.”
“Not a problem,” Doc said. “Now, I have one more patient to see before heading home. If you need anything, or if you get a headache that won’t go away, call me right away. Demon has my number.”
“All right, thanks,” Luna said. “I’m going to head back to bed if you don’t mind. I’m beat,” she said.
“I’ll check in on you in a few minutes,” Demon said.
“I hate to be nosey, but are you two sharing a bed?” Doc asked.
“No,” Demon said before she could get the word out. God, it stung a little that he was so quick on the draw to give Doc an answer.
Doc held up his hands, “I wasn’t asking to pry,” he insisted, “I just think that it might be a good idea if you stick close to her until she’s out of the woods,” he said.
“Is that really necessary?” Luna asked.
“I think it is, or I wouldn’t have brought any of it up,” Doc said.
“Fine, I’ll move her into my bed for the next few days,” Demon said.
“You will not,” Luna spat.
“Luna, it’s for your safety,” Doc said. “Honestly, you should be in a hospital where they can watch you for blood clots, infections, and a concussion. Would you rather I set you up over there and have a few guys guard your room?” Doc asked. That was the last thing she wanted. She already felt stupid about having to have Demon babysit her.
“No,” she grumbled, “I’d really love to just stay here, and if I have to sleep in Demon’s room, I’ll do it, but only for a few days.”
“Good,” Doc said, “that’s settled then. Have a good rest of your day and call me if you need me.” Doc left through the back door and Demon set the security system.
“Come on,” he said, “let’s get you to bed. I could use a nap too. But first, you should take these,” he said, holding up the pills that Doc left for her on the table. “Here, hold out your hand.” He put two pills in the palm of her hand and got her a glass of water and handed it to her.
“Thank you,” she said, swallowing down the pills and half the glass of water.
“Are you hungry?” he asked.
“Not really,” she said. “I’m just tired. I guess that getting the shit beat out of me and then working a full day of work wasn’t the best idea. I’d love another nap.”
“Good, we’ll both catch up on some sleep then,” Demon said.
“How are we going to work our new sleeping arrangement?” she asked.
“We’re both adults, Luna,” Demon said.