Page 15 of Possessing Demon
“Yes,” she moaned. “I want to be yours, Demon,” she said.
“Good,” he whispered, “take off your clothes,” he ordered. She wasn’t wearing very much, thankfully, and it didn’t take her very long to strip out of her shorts and t-shirt. She had worn them to bed for the past five nights and every time she crawled across the bed, to her side, he damn near swallowed his tongue. He knew what she was doing, but he kept telling himself that she was Joel’s little sister and that making her his wasn’t the best plan, but none of that mattered to him now.
“Your turn,” she demanded. “I want to see you naked too.” He looked her body over, loving the way that she didn’t try to cover herself, just letting him have his fill. Demon quickly stripped out of his gym shorts and t-shirt that he had worn to bed. He usually slept naked but decided that might be a bit too much since he promised to behave himself if she shared his bed.
As soon as he was naked, Luna reached for him, pulling him back down on top of her. “I want you, Demon,” she whispered.
“I want you too, Luna,” he breathed. He kissed her until she was writhing against his thigh underneath him. She was wet and ready for him, but he wanted to take his time with her. When he reached down and rubbed his thumb over her clit, it didn’t take her long to cry out his name. She rode his hand and shamelessly came two more times before begging him to fill her.
“I want to feel you inside of me, Demon,” she insisted. He loved that she seemed to like to talk dirty. Hell, it turned him inside out with need. Demon rolled them both over, letting her be on top of him, and when she slid down onto his cock, letting him fill her completely, he groaned out her name. She felt like heaven.
“Was that okay?” she asked.
“It was more than okay,” he said, “I fucking love it when you take control.” He hadn’t been with many women who wanted to be in control when they were in bed with him. She didn’t know it, but he’d let her have all the control she wanted and so much more.
Luna rode him, moving her hips for him as he toyed with her nipples, sucking them each into his mouth. “God, Demon,” she whimpered, “I’m going to come again.”
“Good,” he breathed, watching her as she rode out her orgasm on top of him was one of the hottest things that he thought he’d ever seen. There was just something about being with Luna that made him feel like it was the first time all over again.
“You’re so fucking hot, honey,” he whispered. He pulled her down, holding her close, as he pumped into her body and this time when he felt his release building, he didn’t try to stop it. This time, he let it happen and when he came, Demon shouted out her name. Luna was his and there would be no going back now. All of his worries about her brother and the age difference between the two of them seemed to dissipate as he held her in his arms. She made him feel as if anything was possible and who knew, maybe it was. He wanted to whisper that he loved her, tell her how much he cared about her; how much he wanted her, but none of that mattered as he held her. Demon knew that she wasn’t ready to hear any of that just yet, and that was fine with him. Sooner or later, they’d get to all of that, but for now, she was in his bed—with him. She was his and that was all that mattered.
* * *
They spent the rest of the day in bed together. Luna canceled her appointments, and he couldn’t remember a more perfect day. “You know, tomorrow is the Halloween party at Savage Hell,” he reminded. “Are you feeling up to going?” Demon had told Savage that he would be there as long as Luna felt up to going out.
“I believe that I’m feeling pretty good now,” she teased.
“Great, then would you like to be my date?” he asked.
“I’d love to go with you to the party,” Luna agreed.
“You do know that your brother might be there, right?” he asked. The last thing he wanted to do was cause a rift between Luna and her brother or even him and Joel. He loved Joel like a brother, which kind of made this whole thing that had happened between him and Luna even more confusing, but he wasn’t going to let that stand in the way of being with her. They would have to come clean with Joel at some point, why not at the Halloween party?
“Are you all right with him finding out about us?” she asked. “I mean, if you want to keep this a secret, I’d understand.” She didn’t look like she meant what she had just said, and honestly, Demon was relieved. There was no way that he’d keep her a secret. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops that she had agreed to be his, but he also need to make sure that she was good with going public.
“I don’t want you to be my secret, honey,” he growled. “I want to tell everyone that you’re my girl, but I just need to make sure that you’re good with Joel finding out.”
“That’s very sweet of you, to consider my feelings in all of this, but I’m good with my brother finding out that we’re together. He’s not my keeper,” she sassed.
“No, but I’m betting that this is going to piss him off,” Demon said.
“Well, I don’t care what my brother thinks about the two of us together. He can protest all he wants, but it won’t matter to me one bit,” she assured.
“I’m good with telling him if you are,” he said.
“Should I wear a costume or anything?” she asked. Visions of Luna dressed in a skimpy, sexy nurse’s costume, or even a French maid’s costume made him hard again. “You’re thinking about me in a skimpy costume, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Maybe,” he admitted. “You good with that?” he asked.
“I might be, as long as I don’t have to wear something like that to the bar. I wouldn’t feel comfortable in something skimpy in front of my brother and all the rest of the guys.”
“That works for me,” he said, “because if the rest of the guys saw you in some of the outfits that I’m imagining you in, I’d have to kill every last one of them for looking at you. And for the record, you don’t have to wear a costume. A few of the single bar flies dress up—you know, trying to get one of the guys to take them home, but most of the Ol’ladies just wear what they’d usually wear to the bar.”
“Good to know,” she said around a yawn. “I’m tired, do you mind if I get some shut-eye?” He had been keeping her pretty active all day. She was still recovering and had to be exhausted, making him feel like a demanding asshole.
“Of course,” he agreed, pulling her against his body. “As long as you’re good with cuddling.”
She wiggled her ass against his cock, and he groaned, “Deal,” she said, giggling. The little vixen knew exactly what she was doing to him, and he was loving every minute of it as much as she seemed to be.