Page 16 of Possessing Demon
Luna must have tried on a half dozen outfits, deciding to go with jeans and a black sweater that she loved. Not all of her stuff was over at Demon’s place, and she was going to have to ask him to grab some more of her things for her, especially with the days turning colder. She’d at least need some extra sweaters and a few jackets if she was going to be staying much longer at his place.
She didn’t want to even think about going back to her apartment after living with Demon for the past week and a half. She loved spending time with him, but that didn’t mean that he was going to ask her to move into his place. Sure, she was falling for him, but that didn’t mean that he felt the same way about her. Honestly, she wasn’t sure how she felt about Demon. She knew that she felt something and when he looked at her, she was sure that she could see it in his eyes, every time he looked at her, that Demon felt something for her too. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but she hoped not.
“You about ready to head over to the bar, honey?” Demon asked, poking his head into the bedroom. He looked her over and smiled, “You look beautiful,” he said.
“Thanks,” she breathed. She was still unsure about her outfit but seeing the way that he looked at her made her feel a bit better. “I’m ready,” she said.
“Then we should head out,” Demon said. “Savage has already called me twice and texted me a handful of times to ask me if we’re still coming. I think he’s expecting the guys to be a little rowdy tonight because of Halloween. It usually brings out the crazy, even in the club members. I’m sorry that I’m going to have to work some tonight and it’s our first official date out in public.” They had spent every day together since they met at the bar. It felt as though they had been on a million dates together, but Demon was right, this would be their first official one out in public.
“I don’t mind that you have to work,” she assured. “I’m sure that I can find something to keep me occupied while you’re busy.”
He looked her over and pulled her into his arms. “No,” he said.
“I’m sorry, what does no mean?” she asked.
“No dancing with other guys, no drinking with other guys, and no talking to them either. I want you all to myself,” he insisted.
“While that’s very sweet, I can’t just sit in the corner like a wildflower and pretend that there are no other men around,” she teased.
“As far as I’m concerned, there are no other men at that bar that you’re allowed to talk to.”
“How about my brother?” she sassed. “Can I talk to Joel?”
“Of course,” he said. “Do you want to tell him on your own, or do you think we should do it together?”
“I’d like to tell him together,” Luna said. She knew that her brother might try to talk her out of her decision, but if Demon was with her, he’d hold back some. At least, that was what she was hoping for. Joel had always been a bit of a wild card, and if he felt like she was making a big mistake, he’d let her know it, and wouldn’t care if it hurt Demon’s feelings. She didn’t want that for him, but she thought that a united front was the best way to go when it came to telling Joel that they were together now. She just hoped that he didn’t ask too many questions, but she honestly didn’t have any answers to give.
“All right, we’ll find time to sit down with your brother and tell him about the two of us,” he offered.
“Thank you,” she whispered, going up on her tiptoes to brush her lips over his. “And thanks for taking me out tonight. I’m looking forward to our date.”
“Me too, honey,” he said. “Ready?” he asked.
She took his offered hand and nodded, “As I’ll ever be,” she breathed.
* * *
They got to Savage Hell just as the party started to get going. Most of the people there tonight were club members and Luna was quickly taken under Dallas’ wing and introduced to the other Ol’ladies. She loved the way that they all seemed to accept her once Dallas told them that she was with Demon.
Luna loved watching Demon with the other guys. They all seemed to really care about each other, and she could see why Demon felt so protective of them. Her brother still hadn’t made an appearance and she was beginning to worry that he wasn’t going to show up, given that the night was already half over.
Most of the women eventually paired off with their guys and Luna was left alone in the corner, as she originally feared—well, until Demon found her. “How about you dance with me?” Demon whispered into her ear. He had snuck up behind her, but she liked the way that he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I thought that you were on duty tonight?” she asked.
“Things are pretty calm right now,” he said, “so, I can spare a few minutes. How about that dance?” He twirled her around and held out his hand to her. Luna didn’t hesitate to take his.
“You dance?” she asked.
“Not really, but for you, I’ll try,” he said. That was the sweetest thing he’d said to her yet. Luna shook her head at him, and he flashed her his smile. “What?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” she said, “just when I think that I have you all figured out, you go and say something so sweet, I feel like I have so much to learn about you still.” It was true, they both had a lot to learn about the other person, but she was enjoying the ride to get to the point where they knew everything about each other.
He pulled her against his body and held her close, swaying with her to the music. “Is this okay?” he asked.
“Yes,” she breathed, “it’s more than okay.”