Page 17 of Possessing Demon
“Well, you two look cozy,” Joel said from behind Demon.
They stopped dancing and Demon turned to look Joel over. “Hey, man,” he said, “good to see you.”
“You too,” he said, “I see that everything is going well between the two of you. Looks like you two have stopped fighting.”
“Just say what you’re trying to say, Joel,” Luna insisted.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Joel lied. She hated when her brother acted this way. It was like he was interrogating her without coming right out to ask his damn question.
“I’d really love it if you just got to the point you’re trying to make,” Luna said.
“I’m just trying to say that you two look cozy,” Joel said. “I thought you said that my sister was too young for you,” he said to Demon.
“I did feel that way, but Luna convinced me otherwise,” Demon admitted.
“I bet, and how did my little sister convince you to overlook the ten-year age difference between the two of you?” he asked. “Are you two sleeping together?”
“That’s none of your business, Joel,” Luna spat. “What has happened between Demon and me isn’t your concern. So, keep your nose out of what’s going on between the two of us.”
“Making sure that Demon isn’t taking advantage of you, is my business,” Joel insisted.
Demon growled and took a menacing step toward her brother. “Don’t you dare say that I’m taking advantage of Luna. I’d never do that. I care about her—I have feelings for her.”
“Feelings?” Joel asked. “How can you have feelings for her when you two have only known each other for less than two weeks? Is that even possible?”
“It is possible,” Demon said, “and, I won’t have you putting down how I feel about your sister.”
“You care about me?” Luna asked. She felt as though her head was spinning, trying to keep up with the whole conversation.
“I do,” Demon said. “I was going to wait to tell you because I didn’t want to scare you off.”
“So, you thought that it would be better to just blurt it out to my brother? Shouldn’t we have discussed all of this before you told anyone else?” she asked. Luna felt as though her world was spinning out of control and all she wanted to do was run and hide. It was her go-to move, but one that she had promised Demon she wouldn’t do anymore.
“I should have told you first, but Joel pissed me off saying that I’m using you,” Demon said.
“Hey, don’t blame me for all of this,” Joel insisted. “You were the one who just blurted out that you had feelings for my sister.”
“I can’t do this right now,” Luna breathed, “I need a few minutes alone.”
Demon reached for her hand as she started to walk away from him. “Where are you going?” he asked. “You promised me that you wouldn’t run anymore.”
“I’m not running,” she lied, “I just need to go to the ladies’ room for a few minutes.” Luna planned on high tailing it out of there as soon as she could decide where she’d even go. The Ghosts probably weren’t even looking for her anymore, and honestly, them catching up with her was a chance that she was willing to take.
She pulled her hand free from Demon’s and ran to the ladies’ room, practically running right into Dallas. “Sorry,” she said. She had only met the woman a handful of times before tonight, but she liked Dallas. She had to be a strong woman to handle her two husbands. Bowie and Savage seemed like a handful, and if Dallas could take on being with them both, that made her one tough cookie in Luna’s book.
“Not a problem,” Dallas said, “you okay?”
“Yeah,” she lied, “no, I’m not okay, but I will be.”
“Anything that I can help you with?” Dallas asked.
“No, unfortunately, it’s something that I need to figure out on my own, but thanks,” Luna said.
“If you change your mind, you know where to find me,” Dallas offered, slipping into one of the open stalls. Luna needed to figure out her next move and she couldn’t do that here at Savage Hell. She needed some fresh air and someplace to lay low for a while. Her apartment was close enough to the bar that she could walk, and if she hurried, she’d be able to make it to her place and lock herself in before Joel or Demon came looking for her. It was a crappy plan, but it was the only one she had. It would buy her some time to come up with a better one, and that was what she needed right now—time to think about what she wanted next.
“What the fuck, man?” Demon asked after he watched Luna run back to the ladies’ room. He was scared out of his mind that she was going to run right out of that bar, but she didn’t. Still, he wanted to stand guard outside of the ladies’ room to wait for her to come back out, but first, he was going to need to have a little come to Jesus chat with her brother.