Page 52 of Ruthless Hunter
And she was a beginner, that’s for sure.
I left the safety of Building One behind and stepped out into view, haunting her steps like a goddamn stalker, reminding myself this was why I was here. This wasfamily business.
Head down, hands shoved in pockets, I pushed through the door of Building Three. That ache inside was like a damn fist pressed against my chest.
“Hey, Fin,buddy!” some guy called, and ran toward me.
But I didn’t lift my head, didn’t meet his gaze. She was all there was, crammed so fucking tight inside my mind I couldn’t avoid her even if I wanted to…and I didn’t fucking want to.
“We’re having drinks for Bal later.” He slowed and smiled. “They’re letting him out of the infirmary today. Hoping I might see you there?”
I stopped then, turned, and looked at him. Clean cut, fucking boy-next-door, with his damn eyes sparkling. I licked my lips, “Zakharov, right?”
He gave a nod and took a step closer. The movement made me twitch.
There was hope in his gaze. I knew damn well what he was thinking, that somehow the rumors weren’t true and I wasn’t as cold as they said. He hoped we’d be best friends, hoped that maybe he’d dance with the danger of my world…for a little while at least.It’s what they all thought…at first.
I took a step, ran my fingers through my hair, and steeled that savage part of my nature. “You don’t know me. So, let me take this opportunity to rectify that.”That spark of hope in his eyes dulled. “We’re not friends, Zakharov, and we’renevergoing to be friends. You think because your family has money that that is how it is here? It’s not. There’s always going to beyou,and then there’sme. So,buddy,have your goddamn parties and your little group of friends, snort your fucking coke, and fuck your girls. But count me out. I don’t involve myself with your kind, not now…not fucking ever.”
I turned and shoved my hands back into my pockets, hate and resignation like fucking tar coating the inside of my gut. That was just how it was.
“You’re a real fucking prick, you know that?” Zakharov called out as I strode away.
“Yeah, I know,” I muttered, lifting my gaze and finding Rossi standing there, his arms crossed, that permanent fucking smirk on his face.
“Jeez, you just make friends everywhere you go, don’t you, Salvatore?” Lazarus chuckled.
I just slammed my shoulder against his and kept on walking, taking the ramp down to the lower floor.
Them and me. That’s how it was in this world.That’s how it was when you were a Salvatore son.
As I passed through familiar hallways and darkened rooms, I hunched my shoulders, hating how my goddamn blood made me.Alone. Distant. Fucking ruined after finding my mom dead in our goddamn house.
Hearing the sound of voices in the distance, I shoved the thought aside. I followed the hallway, turning, and turning again. This fucking place was a maze. But the voices grew louder, laughter spilled out before one dominating voice told them to settle down. “Okay guys, team up and let’s get started.”
Team up?I lengthened my stride, my pulse hammering.
I shoved open the door and stepped into the training room, with its mats on the floor and benches against the walls filled with weapons. The instructor glanced my way and stilled, his focus on my eyes before they shifted to my hands fisted in my pockets. “Can I help you?”
But the others in the class didn't notice, they were too busyteaming up.Murmurs spilled out. I narrowed in on one voice in particular, and scanned the room.
She stood with her back to me. She shouldneverdo that. Not to me…not to any of them. The asshole who faced her just grinned and lunged. He grabbed her, hands everywhere, trying his best to pull her against him.
She started to fight, clawing his hold. Her panic…was all mine.
I was moving before I knew it, cleaving through the others spread out across the mats.
“Hey!”the instructor called.
But I was already grabbing the guy who had her, already yanking him close and snarling, “Get your fucking handsoff her.”
“Finley!” Anna barked my name.
But that fire inside was burning, blistering my veins and roaring in my ears. The guy’s eyes widened, fear instant as he realized who I was. They all knew me…and if they didn’t, they would soon enough.I shoved him backwards so hard he tripped and fell.
He was a punk. Just a fucking punk with a bankroll. So I left him behind. There was anger in her eyes when I turned.
“You like to be handled, Anna?” I growled, then bent and wrapped my arms around her thighs before throwing her over my shoulder and heading for the doorway. “I’ll give you what you goddamn need.”