Page 53 of Ruthless Hunter
“Finley,put me down, now!”she demanded.
Movement came toward me as one of the students stepped in my way. His gaze moved from Anna to me. A fucking hero…there was always one.
My lips curled in response. “Make one fucking move, and I'll pistol-whip you so fucking bad you’ll lose a goddamn eye.”
I kept walking, past the chump with the brand new conscience, and strode past the instructor. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt her.”
But the asshole was already stepping backwards and reaching for his cell. The Commander would be called soon enough. But curtesy spoke volumes around here…and so did not touching whatbelonged to me.
I yanked open the door and strode from the room as she thrashed and punched me, the heavythudof her fists on my back strangely comforting. I wanted her to hit me. I wanted her to fight, 'cause, Christ, I wasn’t in my right mind right now.
I took a wrong turn. But then again, every goddamn turn was wrong when it came to her. Darkened rooms waited behind each door as I strode past.
“Finley!” She tried to throw herself backwards.
I reached up and flattened my hand against her spine. “Stop it, you’ll hurt yourself.”
But she didn’t listen, just kept kicking and clawing. I swallowed a groan with the sting of her nails, then scanned the hallway, finding a familiar room. I slapped the handle and strode inside. I held her against me, feeling the slide of her body against mine before her feet found the floor.
She stumbled backwards, her wide eyes fixed on me.“You stay the fuck away from me.”
I opened my hands and didn't move. “I’m right here, Anna. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“You…” she started, her chest heaving with hard breaths.
She glanced at the open door behind me.Try it, and see what happens.
It was a test. I licked my lips. A fucking test. If she ran, would I let her?
Christ, who was the one being tested here?
But she didn’t run. Instead, she dragged those fierce eyes to mine. They all thought she was small, thought she was harmless, thought because she was weaker that she was prey. But we both knew different. I knew who she was…and I’d seen her violence.
I knew her, seen her with her sleeves rolled high. I’d seen her work tirelessly, her honey-brown eyes unflinching. She wasn’t a mouse. She was a damn lioness in waiting, ready to pounce.
“You shouldn’t let them touch you like that,” I said carefully. “You don’t know what they’re like.”
She tilted her head, jutting her chin high. “Oh, I think I have a good idea.”
“What the fuck are you doing here, Anna?”
Her chest stilled mid-breath, before it started again. Jesus, the woman was so fucking easy to read…all you had to do was to know her trigger, and fuck me, I did…the memory of her body returned. I knew every fucking button, knew every point. I took a step toward her, slow and careful. I knew I turned her on.
She'd accepted my phone.
Accepted my texts.
Allowed my hands on her body.
My cock grew hard.
“Stay back,” she commanded, taking a step backwards. “One more fucking step, Finley.”