Page 82 of Monstrous Truths
“Please.” I hate the scared whisper that leaves my lips as the guard blocks the doctor’s view and grins down at me, licking his lips.
“I like hearing you beg. Maybe I’ll take you to my own cell on the way back,” he whispers. “But first, let’s see why that monster was all insane to get into your pussy.”
I’m almost sick, the fear so intense, I shake like a leaf. I was so strong, so sure, but humans are vile creatures. A monster would never rape another. Women are treasured, loved, and considered equals, while here, I’m reminded that I’m nothing in this world.
My degrees, intelligence, and importance mean nothing here.
I’m still just a cunt, and that’s all they see.
“No.” My voice is weak, and I hate that. I hate that I have to fight to keep my body as my own. I hate that men feel like they can take that choice away from me just because I’m a woman. They act as if it’s their right to use my body and that my consent means nothing. They don’t care if they destroy lives, all they care about is the momentary pleasure and the feeling of being in control.
Even if she hates it.
Even if she screams.
Even if she says no.
I’m about to beg the doctor to help when the guard’s radio crackles to life. “All guards, get to your stations!” the radio barks.
He snarls and turns away from me. “Copy,” he answers.
The scientist frowns. “Get her back to the cell.” Before I have time to grab my bag, I’m hauled out of there, sweating at having to leave it behind. They are hyper-focused on something else, however, so they don’t care.
I start to panic, wondering if he’s going to do exactly what he threatened, but when he tosses me back in with Cato and slams the door, I know they have something else to deal with. I thank my lucky stars and whomever has caused such a disturbance.
When I turn to Cato, who’s stumbling to his feet from his collar, I burst into sobs. He yanks me to him, hurrying us to the corner. He runs his hands across me, fear and worry warring in his eyes. “Tally, Tally, tell me what’s wrong. Did they hurt you?” His eyes fade to a blazing red, but I can’t speak. All I can do is cry.
I’ve never come so close as I did right then to being touched by another without consent, and for a moment, that fear just takes over, stripping away everything that makes me me as I realise just how easy it is for them to do that.
“Tally, please, talk to me,” he begs. “Tell me what happened. Let me fix this, baby. Please.” The desperation and pain in his voice makes me bite back my sobs and meet his terrified gaze.
“I—” I croak before swallowing. “I’m okay, they didn’t hurt me. It came close though,” I admit, my lip trembling. “Closer than ever before. He was going to—” I shake my head, unable to say it out loud, and for a moment, he stares at me, not comprehending what I am trying to tell him, before realisation dawns. I feel his fury coursing through him, but he keeps it together as he gathers me close, stroking my back and face.
“Never again,” he promises. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there, Tally. I’m glad you’re okay.” His voice is a growl, but it only comforts me. “I will kill them all for even looking at you. When we get out, you point out which one, okay?”
I nod and move closer. “Can you… Can you just hold me for a bit?” I ask softly.
“Always. I’ll hold you always,” he murmurs, rocking me in his arms as he lets me cry it out and rebuild myself, but I can’t seem to shake my fear because I know there will be a next time and I might not be so lucky.
Just then, alarms blare, and I scream. I don’t mean to, but it sets Cato off even more, and he moves me behind him, where I huddle, unable to stop the tears as he crouches before me.
The alarms are followed by loud voices, gunshots, and screaming.
I want to ask what is happening, I want to be brave and tell him this is our chance to get out, but I do none of these things, only feeling safe here with him standing before me.
There is silence, and then the door swings open. Cato is up and moving before I can react, flinging himself at our attackers with a snarl, only to be flung right back.
“It’s us,” a snarling voice responds, and for a moment, all I see is the guard coming to finish what he started before a sweet, confused voice reaches me.
“It’s a rescue.” Aria? No, it can’t be. “Hey, it’s me, Talia.”
I blink, eyeing her. It is. It’s Aria. But how?
“Aria?” I ask dumbly, as if my mind’s playing tricks on me.