Page 83 of Monstrous Truths
“Yes, come on, it’s time to get out of here. We are going home.” I feel Cato’s relief as he hurries over to me and picks me up softly, like I’m a child. I feel like one, all scared and hiding while they fight to free us.
Weak, so weak.
I bury my face into him, not wanting to see the shame in Aria’s eyes at how weak and useless I am. Cato stiffens against me, but he’s all that feels safe to me at the moment. I hold him tight, even as he carries me. I feel us moving, and after a while, I lift my head and see we are near the labs where…where it nearly happened.
Where I left the research.
That perks me up.
I ignore the screaming scientist, the alarms, everything… We are going to get out of here, and we need to take that with us, but just then, the lights go out, plunging us into darkness, bar the red flashing alarm. I shake with fear as Cato holds me closer.
Akuji moves with ease, destroying those who come after us, and I slip from Cato’s arms, feeling stronger. He follows me as I walk into the lab and stare down at the table where I was nearly raped, and an anger like I’ve never felt before fills me, exploding out of me like the monster’s haze. With a scream that shocks me, I grab the closest thing and throw it. It happens to be a chair, and it hits a computer, smashing it to bits. For a moment, I stand there, my chest heaving as I glare at the broken computer, and something akin to satisfaction fills me.
I do it again, and before I know it, I’m tearing through the room, smashing and breaking everything I can to rid this room of the control it has over me.
I know they are all watching me, and when I’m done, I meet Aria’s eyes confidently. “So they can never do this again,” I state, and she just nods knowingly before turning back to Akuji. I manage to grab my bag that contains all the main research I could take. Cato slings it over his shoulder without question, eyeing me to make sure I’m okay. I just nod in response, but then Aria’s voice has me looking over.
“His mum is in the cells.”
I follow her gaze to a small monster child at her side, and my heart stops, but then I remember what they are doing upstairs at the breeding facility.
“Hey,” Aria murmurs as she crouches near him. “These are my friends. This is Talia, another good human, that’s Cato, and this is Akuji. We are going to get you home, okay?”
“Okay.” His tiny whisper is filled with trust and love. We need to get him and the others out of here before they lock us back up. I watch Aria grab a gun and straighten. I should help, but I just lean against Cato’s side, suddenly exhausted.
“Can you carry them both?” Aria asks Cato. “I need to be able to fight, and I can’t carry him—”
He looks down at me and then the kid and nods. I know he wants to fight with them, but the thought that I could lose him makes me hold on tighter to him.
“Hey, trust my friend, okay?” She leads him to Cato and looks into his eyes. “We are going to get your mummy, but I need you to be still and quiet, all right?” I look at the little boy in awe. He’s so precious and innocent. We need to save him. We need to save them all.
Dying here won’t stop these bastards, so even though it hurts my heart to think of anyone we’ve left behind, I know we have to keep moving.
“Of course,” the little boy says as Cato scoops both him and me up. I hold on tight, trusting his judgement as I smile softly at the boy to reassure him. Aria looks at us before joining Akuji in the corridor as we hear approaching boots.
I have to trust in them to protect us, and I do.
No one fights like Aria and Akuji, and he will kill anyone who comes for his mate.
I watch as they surge into the corridors to clear a path. The sounds of fighting reach us as Cato surveys the corridor protectively, shielding us both. I can’t get the idea of the breeding floor out of my mind though. What if there are more children alive up there?
All I saw was death and that one monster in the cell, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t more. After all, they hinted at it. We don’t have time to go back and search the entire building for them. It would get us all killed, and despite my guilt, I’m not selfish enough for that.
But I can do something.
While they are killing the guards coming for us, I hurry to a terminal, ignoring Cato. I can’t go back and help them, security was too tight, but I can do as much as I can for anyone left alive up there.
Using the already logged in computer, I access security and open the cells, freeing the monsters. The idiots keep it all on one software. When I move back to Cato’s side, I’m at peace with what I did—I turned them loose on the bastards who did this.
I don’t know if the other cells were filled or not, but now I can leave here without feeling guilty. They are now free for the first time and able to get their vengeance.
“Come on.” Cato grabs us and moves us outside to see what is happening. The corridor beyond is a mass of moving and dead bodies. Akuji rips through them as Aria fires into their masses. Both move like dancers, their actions confident and strong. Akuji roars in triumph, while Aria looks back at us, grinning, before she’s thrown out of sight.
I bite back my scream, waiting with bated breath, but I soon see her back on her feet and flying at the guard who hurt her.
“I was going to offer to help,” Cato deadpans, looking at me. “But I don’t think she needs it.”