Page 41 of Blinded By Loyalty
“I’m not using you. I swear. But it’s the truth, baby. You know it as well as I do.”
“Get out. I want you gone.”
I spun on my heels to bolt out the door, but he had his arms wrapped around me from behind before I could clear the threshold.
And I crumpled on the spot.
“Fuck, baby. Please, don’t cry. I just want you to be happy.”
“You make me happy,” I said through my tears.
He turned me around and gripped my face in his large hands. “You make me happy too.” His lips crushed mine. He kissed me with an intensity I’d never felt before. I believed him. “I’ve never been happier than when I’m with you.” He pecked kisses all over my face. I placed my hand over his heart and felt it thumping rapidly. “Not even with Jennie.”
What did he say?
“It’s you, Simone… only you.” He took my hand and led me back to the bed. “You’re the only woman to ever make me feel like my heart might burst out of my chest.” He removed the tray of food and set it on the floor. “I have a surprise for you tonight.”
“What kind of surprise?” I removed my T-shirt, and at the same time, he took off his boxers and athletic shorts.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” He issued me a wicked grin. “Now, get over here.”
Our bodies collided, knocking us off our feet and onto the bed. Our limbs tangled, and our tongues curled as we frantically made love to each other.
With Axel thrusting into me, a feeling of sheer bliss swam through my veins. As he lifted me higher into ecstasy, I vowed to never let him go.
I wanted him to be my boyfriend, and maybe someday, he would be my husband and the father of my children.
16 Axel
YOU WOULD THINK I was getting married tonight the way my stomach was in knots. I was sweating like a pig. If I didn’t calm the fuck down, I’d have to take another shower.
It was no easy feat convincing Simone to stay in her bedroom while Tessa set the scene in the living room. She’d brought Lily with her to entertain Simone and help her get ready for my special surprise.
I had never done anything like this before in my life. Twinkling lights, or fairy lights as Tessa called them, were everywhere. Hung from the windows and ceiling. Once the lights were off, she said it would look like the sky. I was fucking impressed.
From the dining table to the flowers, balloons, and the playlist of music she made, I was sure Simone would love it. But in my pants pocket was a blue velvet box. There wasn’t an engagement ring inside it. That would be crazy, given I wouldn’t be around to marry her. I wanted to though, so maybe I was a little crazy.
No, I’d had Tessa pick up a bracelet with a diamond infinity symbol. I spent a large chunk of my savings on it. I just hoped after I left Simone didn’t throw it in the trash. I wanted her to have something to remind her of me, something she could look at and know my love for her was infinite.
See? This was why I was nervous as fuck. Tonight was sure to be memorable. Spectacular. Even magical. But I knew what was coming in five days, and Simone was clueless.
“I gotta say, Ax. I like you a lot more now that you’re in love.” Tessa winked. If she knew about Conrad and the Morosov family, she wouldn’t be teasing me right now. She’d be mad as hell at me.
But I had to keep up appearances so… “Shut your trap. Nobody said anything about love. I’m just doing something nice for her. She’s been through a lot of shit with the stalker.”
Tessa snorted. “Liar. Don’t play all this”—she waved her hands in the air—“off like it’s a distraction for Simone. I know she must be scared about the stalker, but York’s connection is getting closer. They’ll get him soon.”
An hour ago, York had called with an update. His guy McGregor, a computer genius, had found something linking the email and text message to a location in Culver City. I felt like it rang a bell but couldn’t put my finger on it. Simone never went there. She had her regular spots around the area she frequented. Culver City wasn’t one of them.
“Yeah, I’m sure they will. Hey, I need to talk to Simone. See if she can help with this new lead. You got this, right?”
She rolled her eyes. I took it as a yes.
“Just knock before going in. She might be getting ready.”