Page 42 of Blinded By Loyalty
“So? I’ve seen her naked.”
“Oh, jeez. TMI. I just meant you should be surprised by how beautiful she’ll look.”
“I already know how beautiful she looks. What’s TMI about seeing her naked?” I was just bullshitting her now.
“You are not this dense. Because naked bodies usually mean sex.”
I grinned as memories of fucking Simone flashed in my head.
“Ah-huh. The stupid grin on your face is all I need to know. Now go on before I beat your ass for making things awkward between us.”
I laughed, leaving the room. I lightly tapped my knuckles on the door to avoid startling Simone. She scared easily. She was forever telling me to make a noise when I approached her from behind.
“Simone, can I come in?”
The door opened and Lily glared at me. “What?”
“I need to talk to Simone.”
“Let him in already. I’m not dressed yet.”
I pushed the door open as my girl flittered over to me. She popped onto her tiptoes and planted a loud kiss on my lips.
“Jesus, this is freaking weird.” Lily made a gagging face.
“Be nice. You’ve been giving me crap about Axel for months. Now it’s a reality, and you’re making stupid faces?”
“I’m just giving you a hard time. You’re adorable together.”
“I agree.” Simone smiled. “What did you want to talk to me about?”
“Culver City. Does it mean anything to you?”
“Well, I never go there. But Corbin—” Her eyes went wide.
“Fucking Corbin! I knew it.” I stormed toward the door to call York to bring his ass in. I had all the proof I needed.
“Wait.” Simone grabbed my hand. “It can’t be Corbin. I refuse to believe it.”
“He’s your fucking psycho stalker. I’m going to kill him!”
“No, you won’t. It’s not him. I’m sure of it.”
“Simone, he lives in Culver City. The text messages and email were traced there. It’s got to be him.”
“He doesn’t live in Culver City anymore. After he broke up with Cooper, he moved to Encino to be more centralized for his clients. He really prefers men, not women.”
“You said he’s bi-sexual.”
She gnawed on her bottom lip. “Well, he is, but he likes men more.”
“When did they break up? Why in the hell is this the first I’m hearing of it?”
“You’re the security guy. Why weren’t you checking up on him?”
“Fuck!” I gripped the back of my neck. After I vetted Corbin, I only watched him from afar occasionally because I was involved in the shit with the breach and helping Will. I hadn’t even thought to monitor his cell phone or computer activity. “When did they break up?”