Page 113 of Savage Storm
“I’m in.” Tara clucked her tongue, standing from her seat. I had no idea she could sing. Hero’s eyes smoldered as he raked them over Tara’s body. My brother wanted the redhead, badly.
“I don’t think I know that song. Who sings it?” Emilee asked.
Madeline waved her off. “It’s an old song. I’m sure no one wants to hear it.”
“I want to hear it, and what the prez says goes.” I winked, squeezing her thigh.
“He’s right, babe. If the prez says sing, you sing,” Lynx cut in as I knew he would. But calling her babe was pushing it. “I’ll tell the band to prepare. Who sings the song?”
Madeline’s head dropped onto my shoulder in defeat.
“Leona Lewis,” Steph shouted.
“Thanks, babe.” Lynx was off in a snap.
“Oh God,” Madeline groaned. “Storm, I can’t sing. People keep eyeing me.” She put her mouth to my ear. “Carla’s been shooting daggers my way all damn evening. I’m about ready to give her a reason for that tart expression on her face.”
I chuckled at my little fireball. “All the more reason to get your fine ass up there and show her who’s boss. Own the stage, baby.”
Madeline frowned. “You’re the boss. The president. The king. I’m just—”
I captured her mouth and kissed her hard, stealing her breath away. Possessing her like I had many times with just a kiss. I didn’t stop until I felt her melt into me.
“You’remywoman. My mark is on you.” I lowered my voice for only her to hear. “ Maybe my baby is growing inside you.” I palmed her stomach. God, I hoped we’d created a baby already. “Every person here knows you’re my old lady, myqueen. Now get on the stage and fuckin’ own it.” I issued her a broad smile, then kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re doing this.”
Sugar appeared with a curious expression. “What’s going on?”
“Please, Storm,” Madeline pleaded. “Don’t make me do this.”
“Do you what, Angel?” Sugar narrowed her eyes at me. “What are you making my girl do?” It made me warm and fuzzy to hear Sugar call Madeline her girl. Since the day she met Angel, Sugar had treated her like a daughter.
Madeline frowned. “He’s making me—”
“Have I got a special treat for all you fuckers tonight,” Lynx shouted into a microphone from the gazebo.
“Oh Jesus,” Madeline gasped.
“For the few of you who haven’t met Madeline, she’s the lovely lady on the prez’s lap in the back. Ain’t she a beauty?” Fuckin’ Lynx. He knew I didn’t like him or any other guy talking about my woman’s looks. “Tonight, she’s going to sing for us, and let me tell you, the girl is fucking awesome!”
Whoops and clapping ensued. There was even some loud whistling.
Sugar raised an eyebrow. “Sing?”
I nodded with a cocky smirk.
Madeline squared her shoulders when everyone turned toward her. I knew she wouldn’t let me down. She took the bottle of whiskey on the table, filled her glass with more than a shot’s worth, but before she tossed it back, I put my hand over it.
“Angel, what if you’re pregnant,” I whispered into her ear.
Her shoulders sagged. “I need some liquid courage. People know me here. It’s not like singing in front of strangers.” She made a pouty face. “Maybe I’m not….”
“And if you are?” A fierce protectiveness came over me for my unborn child. I didn’t know much about pregnancy but I doubted drinking booze was okay.
Madeline sighed. “One drink won’t hurt. After this one, I won’t have another.”
I exhaled, giving her a chaste kiss. “I guess one won’t hurt.”
Thank you, she mouthed, then threw it back. “Shit. That is disgusting.” She coughed. “You like that?” She inhaled a deep breath.