Page 114 of Savage Storm
“Yeah, baby, I do. You okay?” I rubbed her back as she coughed and cleared her throat.
“I’m fine.” She patted her chest.
“Madeline, darling, get up here,” Lynx called to her. “You too, Red.”
Tara stood with a shit-eating grin. “Let’s go, Mads.”
“Can’t wait to see you shake your ass, Roja.” Hero winked, lifting his beer.
Tara scowled at him. “Dream on. If I shake my ass it won’t be for you.”
“Oh my God, I can’t wait to hear you sing, Angel.” Sugar dropped into Tara’s spot.
Madeline gripped my hand. “Storm, please…”
“You got this.” I kissed her again as clapping filled the air. All eyes were on us. I didn’t disappoint, making the kiss extra passionate. I held her face between my hands, tilting it to my liking, owning her with my tongue. Fuck, and turning myself on in the process. I ended the show. “Go sing for your man.”
She stood reluctantly. As she stepped away, I swatted her ass.
Madeline didn’t flinch. She crossed the grass with Tara, who appeared to be talking a mile a minute. My eyes were locked on Madeline’s behind. She never wore shorts. I gotta say, I liked how they clung to her ass like a second skin.
A table filled with gawking assholes watched my woman. It pissed me off. I yelled, “Hey!” One of them noticed, then tapped the guy next to him. Like dominos falling, every last bastard ripped their gaze off my woman.
“Storm, when’s your security guy arriving?” Justin asked, taking a seat beside his daughter, Emilee.
“Anytime. I’ll keep an eye out for him.” I hoped he hadn’t changed too much in twelve years. I sure as hell changed a lot and looked nothing like the fresh-faced teenager he once knew.
Toby agreed to work with Grizzly, giving him a crash course in advanced security systems for the clubhouse and our businesses. Toby was an in-demand man. When I called him back in June, he made no promises about coming out. Only saying he’d try. I’d forgotten all about him. Then the other day he called and said he was passing through the area.
We hadn’t seen each other since the day of Tommy’s funeral. The next day, my dad had shipped me off to Uncle Matt for causing trouble for him and the MC.
I feared the sight of Toby would fuck me up. The guilt I carried for what happened ran deep. But for Madeline, I needed to keep her safe. No matter the cost. I wanted the best security system for her, our future children, and for my club.
I needed to do this, even if it meant revisiting the past.
“Storm, do you know the song she’s gonna sing?” Emilee steered my attention back to my girl. I’d bought the gazebo just for her, hoping she’d sing at every club party.
“No, darlin’, sure don’t.” Although it sounded familiar, I couldn’t place it by the title alone. Maybe hearing it would jog my memory. I rubbed my chest, feeling another weird twinge.
“Well, your girl is just about perfect.” Sugar winked. “Is she hiding any other secrets?”
I chuckled, watching Madeline talking to the guys in the band. “Hell no. She tells me everything.”
“Mhmm, I’m sure she hasn’t told youeverything.”
I ignored Sugar’s teasing. She didn’t know Madeline as well as I did. My girl was an open book. We hadn’t talked about our childhoods or stuff before we met. I preferred it that way, so I didn’t have to tell her about the boy I killed. I didn’t want her to think of me as a savage monster, even if it were true.
The crowd got rowdier, clapping for Madeline. Carla kept glancing at me. The woman pissed me off. She really needed to go. But Madeline had said she’d handle her. Sugar and Tina had been teaching her how to deal with the kittens. I didn’t want to interfere with my old lady’s business. Lynx hadn’t done a damn thing.
But I was getting impatient and ready to take matters into my own hands. The bitch had no place in my clubhouse anymore.
“Here you go, Prez.” Lynx handed me a beer, then gave one to Justin and Hero.
“I thought I told you to take care of Carla. The bitch is pissing me off.” I lifted the bottle to my lips and took a long pull.
Lynx threw up a hand, shaking his head. “I did, but she’s stubborn as hell when it comes to you.”
“I don’t give a fuck. Either you handle her, or I will. I won’t have my woman feeling uncomfortable around here. You get me?” This was insanity. If Carla wasn’t keeping my brothers happy with her mouth and Madeline wanting to manage the kittens, I would’ve had Carla gone the day after she called my woman a cunt.