Page 63 of Cobra's Karma
“I didn’t cheat on Karma. It was all an act, but it doesn’t matter because Karma had heard us, as you know.” I glowered at Spectre.
“No way you were faking it.” Spectre turned toward me. “You were more than eager to secure your spot as president and fuck that girl.”
“Eager my ass. Is that what Bone told you? The brother you admire so much is a lousy, lying fucker. He’s selfish, and he sure as hell didn’t put the family first, or he wouldn’t have tried to manipulate me! But you’re right, I was a fool. The price for my actions is severe.” I seethed as I drilled my gaze into Bone. “I lost seven years with my daughter, you motherfucker!”
Bone stood and left the room without a word. The asshole didn’t even apologize for his part in breaking up Karma and me. If I didn’t have somewhere to be, I’d go after him and break his face.
“I don’t believe you. You’re just trying to save your own ass.” Spectre stared in the direction Bone had gone.
“I have proof.” My blood boiled at his casual attitude. “Karma knows the truth now. Because of you and Bone, I had a daughter in the world I didn’t know about. She doesn’t know her family, her uncles, Lady M and dad, or Auntie Piper… all because of you and Bone!”
“Christ, brother. I had no idea any of this shit had been going on.” Buff crossed his beefy arms over his chest. When I was with Karma, he was rarely around, spending every second with his girlfriend. He would’ve never gone against me like my other brothers; it wasn’t his way.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but when will we get to meet Nova?” Piper asked. I appreciated her redirecting the conversation. “Can I meet her today?”
“I’d rather you didn’t. I don’t know how it will go. She might not even like me.”
“Aww, she’ll love you.” Piper got to her feet. “I’ll run up and grab the baby gift I bought for Demi.”
“Can’t you bring Nova to the farm later today? I want her here, Abe.” Lady M blew her nose again. I couldn’t believe how torn up she was about all this. My mother had been hard as iron my whole life. “I need to spend time with her. I have a lot of catching up to do, which requires time. Lots of time.”
“I’ll let you know what Karma and I decide. You aren’t the only one who has lots of catching up to do. Karma and I should’ve never been apart. We should be married right now. Nova should have a brother and sister by now.”
“Then bring them home,” Lady M sniped as if unwilling to compromise. It was too bad. She would have to accept any decision Karma and I made together. “Although I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my mouth shut with Karma.”
“You better,” I told her in a firm tone, making her gasp. “I won’t have any of you causing trouble for Karma and me.” I pointed my finger at each person in the room. “This situation is fragile. Anyone who interferes will have to deal with me.”
“Nobody will interfere, son.” Dad came to me and gave me a hug. “I feel bad for Karma. She was a sweet girl and didn’t deserve any of this crap.” He cut his gaze at Spectre. “I’m disappointed in you and your brother for pressuring Cobra into sleeping with another woman.”
“Yeah, that was low,” Piper hissed as she returned.
“Shut up, Piper,” Spectre shot back.
“Hey! Watch it,” Dad growled at him. Piper was his baby girl. He never let anyone mistreat her. I would be the same with Nova.
“It was Bone’s idea,” Spectre said. “I was only eighteen and obviously, stupid.”
“Obviously. But you were out to hurt me because you loved Karma.”
“Hell yes, I loved her!”
“I’m not getting into it with you.” Dammit, here I thought he’d gotten over my woman. I didn’t want to rehash any of this with him. I needed to hit the road.
“Bone wanted to be president, so I helped him. But I wanted you to get caught with your pants down. As luck would have it, Karma came to the clubhouse that day.”
“To tell me she was pregnant with my baby, you fucker!” I turned on him. Before I could punch him in the face, my dad grabbed my arm.
“Silas, shame on you,” Lady M scolded. “We all knew how you felt about Karma, but she was your brother’s girl, his fiancée. How could you set out to hurt him?”
Spectre placed his hands on his hips. “I was jealous, just like Bone was envious of Cobra.”
“I don’t have time to deal with this shit.” I scratched the back of my head, feeling anxious. I wanted time with Karma before meeting Nova.
“Why don’t you postpone the run to Minot? It can wait a few days or a week. You need to be with your family,” my father told me.
“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “The club—”
“The club will be fine. This is important.” He patted my shoulder. “I’ll have your back when you’re gone.”