Page 64 of Cobra's Karma
“Hustler and I can go to Minot,” Buff said. “We’re only investigating.”
“No,” I replied swiftly. “We can’t leave Fargo vulnerable with the new gang roaming around.”
“Just consider it,” Dad said. “Depending on how it goes today with your girls, you may need to stay with them.”
“Or bring them to the farm,” Lady M said with a hopeful smile. “I bet Nova would love it here.” She was probably right. There were lots of things a kid could do out at our place. We had a cow, a couple of horses, and chickens. There was also a wooden swing set that Dad had built for Piper.
I had no clue what my daughter liked. She might love it, or she might not.
“If anything, I’ll put the run on hold for a few days. Dad’s probably right, as usual. I need to be with my family.” I should’ve known my old man would want me to tend to my family. I hadn’t considered delaying the trip because I didn’t want to look as if my priorities had changed, but in all actuality, everything had changed last December when I discovered Karma.
Lady M crossed her arms and pouted. She probably wanted me to take care of my family but was preoccupied with meeting her first grandchild to think straight. Her emotions were getting the better of her, which I could understand. I, myself, was a mess.
“Then you should get going, son.” Dad winked, showing his approval. He didn’t have to tell me twice.
I issued everyone a nod and left, not even bothering to grab a change of clothes or a toothbrush if I stayed in Bastion with my girls.
My girls.
Damn, I loved the sound of it.
I hopped into my truck and Piper got in the passenger seat.
“All set?” I asked my sister.
I pulled around the circular driveway and drove off the property.
I couldn’t wait to see my woman. When I’d left her yesterday, our goodbye kiss had lasted several minutes. Leaving her was the hardest thing I’d ever done. I doubted I could do it once Nova knew the truth.
How would I convince Karma to come home to Fargo with me?
At least Nova’s school was almost over. Karma had said there was only a couple of weeks left.
Once it was summer break, I’d do everything possible to move my girls into our new home. It was almost finished inside. I only needed to buy furniture and all the basics to set up the kitchen to be ready for my family.
“I’ve known she might be mine for a couple of months, but I’m terrified. What if I screw up?” I stared up at the sky as if I’d find the answer in the clouds.
Storm and I were leaning against my truck. Piper was with Emilee and the baby. I needed to talk and get some advice from my cousin, who rocked fatherhood. If he could be a great dad, I should too.
Or I hoped.
“You care about her, right?” he asked.
“Then you’ll be fine. Just do what feels natural. Birdie is still little, so I’m not experienced with kids who can talk. I’ve seen Nova. She’s a cutie and she’s super sweet with the babies.”
“I don’t want to destroy her sweetness like I did her momma’s. Karma is different because of me.”
“I feel ya, cuz. I don’t want to ruin my girls’ sweetness either. I just make sure I love them hard every day.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s easy to do because I love them so much. They’re smiles and giggles, their kisses… it’s what keeps me even-keeled. Know what I mean?”
“I think so.”
“We all have an inner beast. It’s a Knight-family trait. The only time it’s tamed is when we find our one and only. Mine is my Angel.”
“Mine is Karma.” I looked sidelong at him. “She was young when I first fell in love with her. Too young, nine years too young.” I banged the back of my head on my truck.