Page 42 of Hustler's Hope
“Yep. All the time.”
“Hmm.” My mom didn’t wash my clothes. She’d shown me how to work the washer and dryer. I did her laundry and mine.
I folded my arms on the table and laid my head on it. I think I ate too much.
Why did other kids have moms who did everything for them? Why did other moms cook meals when mine didn’t.
What was a pot roast?
We were in the hangar out at the airport. Cobra liked to meet here half the time he called church. I preferred it over the room at the clubhouse. The smell of gas and exhaust and the old warbird my dad tinkered on put me at ease.
Planes and motorcycles were life.
My leg bounced out of control like never before. I needed to get back to Hope before she changed her mind about us getting to know each other. Dammit, I could hardly concentrate on anything else with her at the forefront of my thoughts.
Why was she so hot and cold with me? Was she like that with everyone? I couldn’t keep up with her bipolar personality shifts. That probably sounded harsh.
She wouldn’t scare me off so easily. I’d fight for her and for us.
The first time we were together, she was guarded in the hospital room. I thought it had to do with breaking the rules, but the second time we hooked up had been the same. She’d let loose in the throes of passion and was a wild and playful vixen.
Hope had my equal under the sheets. But when our fun ended, and I had asked for her phone number, she clammed up.
Hot and cold.
I’d seen two different sides of her in the past twelve hours. She seemed to struggle with her emotions and had difficulty letting anyone help her. Being a nurse, she had no problem taking care of others, and from what I’d observed, she was damn good at it.
So why not let others help her? What was the disconnect?
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”I remembered seeing shame and sadness in her eyes. Christ, my stomach tightened. What had my girl gone through?
“Let’s get on with it. I need to get back to the farm.” Cobra looked sidelong at me. “How’s your woman?”
“I don’t appreciate your snarky tone.” Asshole just had to announce I had a woman like it was no big deal.”
“What are you talking about?” Buff asked while puffing on a cigar.
“Thanks, brother.” I shot Cobra a dirty look.
“My pleasure. You shouldn’t keep secrets from us.”
“I wasn’t. I only hooked up with her a few times.” I scratched the side of my face. Should I just blurt out I was going to be a father?
“Hooked up with who?” Spectre appeared perplexed like the others as he munched on jalapeño kettle chips.
“Do you all remember the nurse I hooked up with last year when Storm’s guy was in ICU?”
They nodded.
“Well, her name is Hope, and she’s having my baby.”
“Are you shitting us?” Cobra considered me with a severe glint in his eyes. “A baby?”