Page 43 of Hustler's Hope
“She’s three months pregnant. I’m the father.”
My brothers’ faces were almost comical, with stupid expressions like they’d seen a ghost. Well, all but Cobra. He had a hardened stare.
“I’m claiming Hope. She’s my old lady now.”
“Congratulations, brother.” Buff came over with his hand extended, then hugged me tightly.
“Thank you.”
One by one, the rest followed suit… except Cobra.
“I appreciate your support. So what are we gonna do about FF?” I asked to take the conversation in a different direction. The vibe in the hangar grew intense. I had the distinct feeling Cobra didn’t share my joy. Not sure why, but I suspected it had something to do with not knowing about Nova for almost seven years.
“The prospects confirmed the location of the guy who attacked your woman. As many as six dudes were spotted coming and going from the house.”
“Let’s jump on it.” I clapped my hands, ready to beat some FF gang members.
“Not so fast.” Cobra raised his hand. “I want the house watched for a few days and tail some of them. Maybe we can find where the others live or if they have a nest.”
His response deflated me.
“We also need to secure the farm. They’ll retaliate immediately following our attack.” Bone had an excellent point. I was glad to see him in a better mood. Since Karma’s birthday, he’d been off. Not sure what was going on with him, or maybe it had been resolved.
Cobra’s gaze scanned the room, then landed on me. “Can you keep your news between us for now?”
“We’ve been trying for a baby. Karma’s gonna take a test later. That’s why I need to get back to the farm. We’re doing it together, and I don’t want to ruin this for her.” That explained his less than enthusiastic reaction to my announcement.
“That’s fine. I need to get back to Hope.” My phone rang and Lady M’s name flashed on the screen. “It’s Mom.” I moved away from the group to answer. “Hey.”
“I hope I didn’t interrupt church.”
“No, it’s fine. What’s up?”
“I want you to stop by the house before going to Hope’s. I made some food to take over.”
“You did? It’s barely been an hour since I told you about the baby.”
“I know. I’m fast like that.” The excitement in her voice made me smile. “So you’re gonna come, then?”
“Yeah, I’ll be by. Hey, don’t say anything to Karma about the baby.”
“Why not?”
“Have you told her already? Please tell me you haven’t said anything.” Shit. Cobra would have a cow if Lady M told Karma about my baby.
“Relax, Levi. I haven’t said anything. Not until your father knew, anyway.
“Phew, okay. Cobra would have lost it on me and maybe you.”
Lady M laughed. “Um, nobody loses it on me.”
Right. Whatever.
“I should be there in half an hour.”
“Perfect. Bye!”