Page 66 of Hustler's Hope
Maybe I could take him.
“Stop fighting, Hope. It’s no use. But I know you like it rough, don’t you?”
I shook my head, praying he wasn’t here to rape me.
How did he even know where I lived?
I fought harder, making as much noise as I could. What good would it do? It was only Mercy and me here. Wait, what about the prospect?
“I said stop it!” He backhanded me, then wrapped his hand around my throat.
I flashed back to when the druggy went nuts and tried to choke the life out me. I was rescued then. Would I be this time?
Tears flowed like a river out of my eyes. I continued to fight for my life, unwilling to give up.
I needed to protect my baby.
Fight, Hope, fight for the baby.
A loud roar startled Scotty. He turned and was ripped off me and gone so fast, I must’ve been having a nightmare. How could he be here one second and gone another?
I gagged and gasped for air, holding onto my throat.
This wasn’t a nightmare.
A crash came from the living room. I scrambled out of bed and swiped my phone off the nightstand. I was about to dial nine-one-one when I remembered Lady M telling me to never call the police if the club was involved.
Still trying to catch my breath, I tiptoed to the door. My entire body shook violently, terrified of what I might see.
I covered my mouth and held back a scream when my eyes landed on Mercy in a pool of blood. It was hard to tell if my eyes were playing tricks on me. There wasn’t much light in our dark apartment. Just a little stream filtering through the blinds from the porch light.
A grunt stole my attention.
Two men were struggling on the other side of the sofa.
I didn’t know what to do. Mercy needed me, but so did Levi. I needed to help both of them. How? I couldn’t be in two places at one time.
Mercy was bleeding. I needed to stop it.’
I tiptoed over to her and noticed the baseball bat we kept in the entry closet next to her. She must’ve heard Scotty break into our place. I should’ve agreed to get a gun like Mercy had wanted. Two young women living alone should be able to protect themselves. She’d wanted a handgun, even went through the training and got a permit. I’d suggested we get a bat.
Stupid, stupid girl.
I felt for her pulse. Finding it, I blew out a relieved breath, then felt where the blood was under her head. Oh God, I didn’t want to imagine what I might be touching.
A loud pop went out, making my ears ring. I lowered my head and closed my eyes, fearing the worst.
Suddenly, several men burst through the door. I shrieked and scrambled to get away, but someone grabbed my arm.
“Hope it’s okay.” Doctor Hayes took my face in his hands. “Are you hurt.”
I shook my head. “Mercy. Mercy is hurt.”
Chaos ensued around me. My vision blurred, trying to follow what was happening. Where was Levi?