Page 67 of Hustler's Hope
“Levi!” I yelled, wobbling to my feet. “Levi!”
“Hope, come back,” Brady shouted.
Someone else grabbed me just as I saw Levi on the ground; his white T-shirt was soaked in blood.
“No, no, no.” I tried to run to him, but the biker holding me wouldn’t let me go. “I need to help him! Let me go! Let me go!” I screamed, my legs turning limp like noodles.
“Get her out of here!” someone yelled.
Suddenly, I was swept off my feet and carried out of the apartment to a black van. I didn’t have the energy to struggle anymore. My head pounded as a migraine started. I knew whoever was carrying me was a member of Levi’s club. Levi…
“Levi,” I whimpered. “Please, I need to help him.”
“He’d want you as far away from this mess as possible.”
I looked up at the man carrying. “Who are you?”
“Bone, Hustler’s older brother. It’s good to finally meet you, Hope.” He put me in the van. “Are you hurt anywhere?” He climbed inside.
“No.” I touched my neck. “I heard a gunshot. Levi was bleeding.” I cried into my hands, fearing the worst.
“Stitch will take care of him. It’s my job to protect my brother’s woman and baby.” He placed his hand on my back. “I promise he’ll be okay.”
“How do you know? Are you a doctor?”
He snorted. “Not even close. But nothing will keep a Knight from his woman and kid. Not even the Reaper.”
“The who?”
“Nevermind. You can ask Levi when you see him.”
“If I see him again,” I whimpered into my hands.
“Trust me, you’ll see him.”
I hoped he was right.
It had been more than two hours since I’d arrived on the farm. Lady M busied herself in the kitchen, cooking biscuits and other stuff. I didn’t even know what all she was making, too consumed with worry for Levi.
I’d gotten word he was alive. That was all I needed to know, sort of. No, I needed more. I needed to wrap my arms around him, hold on for dear life, and tell him I loved him.
“When will they get here?” I was exhausted and impatient, on the verge of losing it on Lady M. The sun had risen, and a rooster had crowed. The clock on the wall said: 6:12 a.m. “I need to see him with my own eyes.”
“You will, sweetheart, you will.”
“Aren’t you worried? He’s your son. I don’t know how you can be baking when he’s been shot.”
She stopped stirring a pot on the stove and turned toward me. “This isn’t my first rodeo. I’ve been where you are more times than I can count. Cooking is better than driving myself mad with worry.” She returned to stirring the pot.
I considered her words a long second. I was about to stand when a woman appeared.
“Are they not back yet?” She yawned, shuffling toward the coffee pot. She reached for the carafe, then stopped. “Why does coffee sound like a good idea, but it turns my stomach?”
“Pregnancy hormones are to blame,” Lady M told her. “Go meet Hope, Hustler’s girl. I’ll make you both some tea.”
The woman kissed Lady M’s cheek, then came my way. “Mornin’. I’m Karma, Cobra’s old lady.”
“Hi, it’s good to finally meet you. Levi told me you just found out you’re pregnant. Congratulations.”