Page 28 of Lone Star Reunion
“Thanks for answering my fifty million calls,” Daniel bit out, pulling his designer shades off his face and hooking them onto the neck band of his T-shirt.
“Don’t exaggerate,” Alex retorted.
“Stop evading the subject. You’ve been avoiding me for weeks and I don’t like it.” She had. Leaving Royal for Houston for a couple of weeks helped. She’d needed to meet with Mike, discuss their partnership agreement and get a feel for his business, but the fact that she was half a state away from Daniel had helped with her evasion tactics.
“I saw you at the wedding,” Alex pointed out.
“Where you refused to discuss anything to do with the future and the baby. We have plans to make, Alex! We need to know where we are going!”
“Do we really have to go through all this again?” Alex threw up her hands and leaned forward. “I am going back to Houston. I am taking a partnership in a start-up company, and you are staying here. In five months I will give birth.”
“What about visitation rights? A nanny to help you? Child support?” Daniel bellowed.
“We can sort that out later when—” Alex broke off when she noticed the attendant approaching them. The young woman stopped, stood in the aisle alongside them and tossed them an easy smile.
“Sorry to interrupt but we’ve just had word that Mr. and Mrs. Slade are running a little late. But we need to move the plane so that the next aircraft can take our slot.”
Alex looked at Daniel and they both shrugged. “Okay?”
That bright, mischievous smile flashed again and Alex saw that her name tag read Michelle. “Safety regulations state that we can’t taxi without you both wearing a seat belt. Regulations, you know?”
“For God’s sake!” Daniel muttered, reaching for his seat belt and pulling it over his waist. “Do you have an idea when they might be here? I need to get back to the ranch. I have a meeting in an hour.” He frowned at Michelle, as if it were her fault their grandparents were late.
Michelle watched Alex buckle up before turning her attention back to Daniel. “They should be here soon, Mr. Clayton.”
Alex felt the aircraft move forward as the pilot guided the plane to its new position. The attendant walked away and Alex reached for the bottle of champagne and a crystal glass. Now, this was the way to fly. And if Gus had meant this champagne to be for Rose, then he should’ve been prompt. Besides, any sane woman needed alcohol while dealing with Daniel Clayton. It was deeply unfair that that much sexy covered a whole bunch of annoying.
Before she could tip the bottle to her glass, the champagne was whisked from her hand and the bottle dropped back into the ice bucket. “Not happening.”
Alex glared at Daniel. “When did they make you the no-champagne-for-breakfast police? Last time I checked, I’m an adult and I can have—”
“Cut it out, Alex. I’m the dad who’s telling his baby’s mom that she can’t have alcohol while she’s pregnant.”
Alex wanted to lash out at him, tell him that he had no right to tell her what to do, but dammit, on this point he was right. She couldn’t drink alcohol while she was pregnant. Gah! What had she been thinking? Probably that she needed the soothing power of the fermented grape, especially if she had to deal with Mr. Impossible.
Alex risked looking at Daniel and saw the smug smile of his face at winning that minor battle. Annoyed, she kicked out and smiled when the toe of her right boot connected with his shin.
“Ow, dammit!” Daniel howled before bending down to rub his injury.
“Don’t be a baby, Clayton.” Alex looked out the window, saw that the plane was whizzing past the trees bordering the airport and frowned. “Aren’t we going a bit fast?”
“Don’t kick me again,” Daniel warned and followed her gaze to the window. He released a low curse. “We’re not taxiing.”
Alex gripped the arms of her seat. “Daniel, what’s going on?”
“If I’m not mistaken, we’re about to take off.” Daniel looked around, saw an electronic panel and jabbed at the button labeled Attendant.
“This is Michelle. What can I do for you, Mr. Clayton? Miss Slade?” Michelle’s melodious voice drifted over them.