Page 29 of Lone Star Reunion
Daniel didn’t waste time looking for explanations. “Stop this plane right now or I’m going to have you all arrested for kidnapping.” Alex shivered at the I’m-going-to-kill-someone note in his voice. She’d only heard that voice once, maybe twice, before and she knew that you didn’t disobey Daniel Clayton when he used it.
“Sorry, sir, but we can’t do that. Besides, Mr. and Mrs. Slade promised to pay all our legal fees if you decide to sue us. Plus a hefty retainer.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Daniel asked, his eyes widening.
Alex immediately understood why. They’d left the ground and they were literally jetting off to God knew where.
“There is an iPad in the side pocket of your seat,” the airline attendant continued, and Daniel kept his eyes locked onto Alex’s face as he dropped his hand to the side of his seat.
“Switch it on and there’s a video clip on the home screen. It should answer all of your questions,” Michelle stated, and Alex heard the click as she disconnected the intercom.
Daniel booted up the iPad, glared down at the screen and impatiently jabbed the screen. He leaned forward so that she could see the screen and there, looking far too pleased with themselves, were their respective grandparents.
“Yes, we’ve kidnapped you. Yes, we are bad people,” Gus said, sounding utterly unrepentant.
Rose jabbed him with his elbow and stared into the camera. “Alexis and Daniel, we are sorry for being so intransigent a decade ago. We should not have pulled you into our little dustup and we apologize.”
Only in Texas could people call a fifty-year feud a dustup.
Gus leaned forward, his blue eyes serious. “That being said, it must be noted that you two are the most stubborn creatures imaginable and unable to see what’s in front of your faces. To help you with your lack of vision, we are sending you to Galloway Cove in our place. Matt’s house is the only one on the island, and it is fully stocked with everything you might need. We packed a suitcase for each of you, which Michelle will give to you when you land.”
Daniel hit the pause button, looked at Alex and shook his head. “I’m adding breaking and entering to the charges I’m laying against her.”
Alex rolled her eyes and tapped the play button so that the video could continue. Gus picked up the conversational train wreck. “The plane will return in a week and, by then, we want a proper, thought-out, reasonable plan on how you two intend to raise this child together. And by together we mean in the same house, preferably the same bedroom.”
“Just to be clear, marriage is our first choice,” Rose added.
“When hell freezes over,” Alex muttered. On-screen, Rose smiled, oblivious to their anger. Which was exactly why they recorded this message and didn’t video call them. Alex snorted. Cowards.
“And don’t try to bribe the pilot and his crew to turn around. We already told them we’d double whatever you offer.” Rose, looking pretty and content, blew them a kiss. “One day you’ll thank us for this!”
“Not damn likely,” Daniel muttered.
The video faded to black and Daniel tossed the iPad onto the seat next to him. He groaned and covered his eyes with his hand. Alex opened her mouth to speak but no words emerged. She tried again—nothing—and shook her head. Had Rose and Gus lost it completely? “They can’t do this,” she whispered.
“They just did,” Daniel shot back, pulling his phone out from his back pocket. He hit a button, dialed a number and waited impatiently for it to ring. “Voice mail.”
“Gran, I am not happy! What the hell gives you the right to meddle in our lives? We’re adults and your actions are reprehensible and unacceptable. Have you completely lost your mind?”
Knowing that Gus rarely carried his phone and that when he did he was prone to ignoring it, Alex called her younger brother, Jason. He answered on a rolling laugh.
“Not funny, Jason! I’m on a plane because Grandpa has arranged for us to be kidnapped. Tell him to turn this plane around. Better yet, just let me talk to him.”
“He’s not here, sis. Or if he is, he’s keeping a very low profile, if you get my drift. He is, after all, on his honeymoon.”