Page 239 of Wolf Endangered
"On borrowed time," she huffed. "She can go ahead and hide, but it's only a matter of time before she kills herself. That misfit hybrid is so fucking blind. She's been too busy trying to fix her love life that she hasn't noticed her assistant has been changing the meds she gives to that royal bitch."
She paused to literally laugh like a hyena. "A little added dose of insanity, a bit of magical imbalance, fuck up her routine, create a chemical imbalance in her body, and then spike her body with enough drugs to trigger her suicidal thoughts and heighten them to their peak. It's so fucking brilliant, and no one fucking noticed!"
More laughter. "At first I thought we could try and replicate Aurelia, but her damn aura is too complicated to mimic, so in comes our little helper imposter. The queen paid top dollar to bring her to the US. Did you know she's a cloned robot from the labs in Russia? A prototype with enough magic and humanistic traits to blend right in. So fucking fascinating."
She sighed dramatically.
"I should have pulled out of this pack and joined her ages ago, but no. I have to spy and see what Roberto is up to. Worked my ass off to be a Beta and yet he excludes me from everything. If I were a man, it would be a big fucking difference."
It felt like I was lifted and thrown onto someone's shoulder, my arms and legs dangling while my ears still picked up on what was being said.
“You have two hours to get rid of her body. You take too long and I'll send those creepy, mutated pieces of shit to fetch you. You already know if you go out of bounds of this place, your collar will finish the deed. Don't be a blinded fool. You wouldn't function well with freedom."
"You just say that because you’d rather get fucked by me than see me dead."
"W-What?! I'm not interested in you, faggot!"
"Good. I’m not into weak bitches."
"H-How the fuck do you know about that?!"
"That princess has a stalker that your weak ass didn't notice. If it wasn't for me, you would have been dead ages ago."
She couldn't say a word in return and that triggered a rumble of amusement.
"Think twice the next time you want to electrocute me. Maybe I'll let that stalker finish you off like he would have if I hadn't made you blend into the shadows."
My body began to swing with the walking movement, and suddenly we were falling, or it felt that way with how the wind whipped against our flesh.
The shift in altitude made the world go black for what felt like minutes until the crackle of fire caught my attention and something was running along my bare flesh.
The touch was so gentle, and the caress of the cloth gliding across my skin made me question if I was in the hands of an ally or an enemy, but I couldn't take my chances.
There's too much at risk to lose it all due to assumptions.
My body moved before I could open my eyes, and I somehow managed to get whoever this was onto his back with my blade against his throat. My vision was still blurry as hell, and for a second, I freaked out and moved my blade back slightly.
The smirk reminded me of him, but suddenly I was on my back with this mass of a man hovering above me. My wrists were pinned by his large hands while he slowly admired my naked body.
"Love that obsessed fucker enough to pause in killing your predator. Foolish move, Sweets."
"Sweets?" I repeated with a frown that projected my displeasure, and it only made the odd man chuckle. "I could have my way with you here and now and yet you're worried about a nickname? No wonder Felicia hates your guts. You're too far from normalcy."
My vision was clear now and I took in the man's appearance. It was hard because he blended so perfectly with the dark walls of what surely was a cave while whatever flickers of light remained in the pit of fire gave a bit of glowing light against his flesh - particularly his face.
He'd masked himself well, like a true assassin, concealing his lips, but the most distinct feature of him was the massive scar on his left eye that seemed to remain closed.
His right eye was black with a distinct silver ring, and a few strands of his hair poked out from his coverup, the strands a mix of thick black and shiny white. I was impressed his outfit could contain his muscles and large frame, but from my analysis, I knew if I fucked up, he'd kill me.
No doubt in that.
"I'm already called Sweetness, Sugar, Blossoming Flower, Wilting Flower, Willa, and William. Anything else you can think of here?" I couldn't believe I was having this conversation butt naked beneath my assassin, but no way was I dying being called Sweets.
"Who gave you Sugar?" he actually asked.
I grinned. "Onyx."