Page 240 of Wolf Endangered
The man literally rolled his eyes. "Of course."
"Do you know Onyx?" I inquired.
"Do you know I can kill you in three seconds flat?" he tossed back.
"Hmm...probably," I drawled. "But I'm not dead yet."
I felt like he was contemplating the decision, but I decided to distract myself by checking out the multiple bruises on my body.
"So...did I fight a bear when I was unconscious or did you drop me?"
My question got him following my gaze, and with a huff, he was off of me.
"Aww. Does my nakedness bother you?" I whined and sat up.
"No," he grumbled, his back facing me as he stood up. Fuck, he was tall. Definitely taller than Onyx. Maybe he was around Jayce's height, or probably the same height as me when I changed into William.
My instincts pulled me out of my thoughts, my hands blocking my face and catching the thin black fabric that was thrown my way.
"Wear that. The temperature outside isn't favorable for a naked woman."
"And I'm naked because?" I drawled. "I know I wasn't naked before you kidnapped me."
The glare he gave me as he looked over his shoulder only made me smile innocently as I blinked my eyes.
"We jumped out off a jet. The altitude change triggered you to shift once we landed. Then I had to chase your fast, frolicking ass up this fucking mountain, and you ended up wrestling a bear because it looked at you funny."
I just stared because I was still processing the fast, frolicking ass part.
"Oh," I replied. There was a long moment of silence, the tiny bit of fire in the makeshift pit of wood going out. "So...did I win?"
"Win what?"
"Wrestling the bear," I stated. "If I didn't, don't tell me. I'd be ashamed of myself if a cage fighter champion like myself lost to a wild bear."
The poor man wasn't expecting my crazy ass. His expression alone that peeked through the top half of his face was clearly judging me from his furrowed eyebrows and single eye that was looking at me like I was a rare species from the wild.
"See, you're the one who kidnapped me," I pointed out. "You gotta live with the consequences."
"I can see why no one else has tried," he muttered.
"Oh no, trust me. People have," I assured him and rose up. His eyes looked at my figure as I stretched and assessed the black combat suit. "They just died trying,"
Slipping into the suit, I zipped it right up and admired it with my eyes.
"I wonder if you're survival rate is high," I pondered and looked over my shoulder to try and see my ass. "Damn. This suit is my exact size. So, have you been stalking me, too? If so, not bad. Maybe you'll put my men out of business."
"You're far too friendly to someone who can kill you."
I didn't flinch at his closeness, my head looking back to see he was towering over me.
"And you're too calm for a killer on a deadline," I voiced back, my eyes lowering to his neck and the obvious spiked collar around it. I frowned at the sight because it clearly wasn't for fashion. The spikes were as sharp as daggers, and I sensed a weird magic to it.
I sensed him staring at me while I continued to observe the collar.
My wolf was asleep, but the quiet call to her made her open one eye. She looked tired, which probably was from me apparently frolicking through snow and wrestling bears for fun, but she answered.