Page 107 of Wolf Domination
"You should just tell them already, Prince of Bloodshed!”
We all looked up to where the sound came from. Why was I not shocked to see Arthur chilling in one of the branches with a paper and pen in hand?
“It would be the perfect chill pill for Mr. Possessive Bulky Fucker, who’s probably on the verge of an anxiety attack.”
“Arthur.” Neo seemed intrigued by his presence. “Should we ask why you’re up there?”
“Nah,” Arthur replied as he crossed his legs and placed the drawing pad he held into his lap. “Don’t mind me. I’m just thinking of a diabolical way of using blood roses to make a dress that would make Sweet Domino a bloody badass in front of a bunch of fucked-up royals.”
“What?” I dared to ask. “Wait a second. Where’s Loki?”
“He’s with my double.” Arthur brushed it off like it wasn’t a big deal. “Don’t worry. He’s just as annoyingly dysfunctional as me so he hasn’t noticed I left yet.”
We all seemed to sigh before Dimitris looked up and tilted his head to one side.
“Should I ask what you’re drawing?”
“The design for the dress,” Arthur noted and lifted the drawing pad to flip it over and reveal what he’d drawn thus far.
I guessed I expected some stick drawings, but the sight of the work of art even from this distance left me speechless, as were the others, because it was detailed as fuck.
“Arthur, come down and let me see that,” Neo instructed, and Arthur actually listened. He dropped down and landed silently before he was in front of Neo, who immediately leaned in to get a view of the image. “You can see Sweetness clearly.”
“Of course, I can.” Arthur sounded confused by the statement. “I’m Lucifer’s son after all. Seeing between dimensions is easy.”
“Dimensions…,” I whispered, and Milo whistled.
“So you can see the fae dimension of this palace.”
“You can’t?” Arthur gave him a pitying look. “That sucks.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve tapped into my fae magic to that extent,” Milo noted. “But I assume that was why Willa’s energy is all over here but we can’t see her.”
“Willow’s not fae,” I emphasized. “She shouldn’t be able to go to Faerie.”
“You’re right,” Arthur noted. “So let me ask you this. Why do you think she all of the sudden can?”
I didn’t have an answer to that, but it seemed like Neo and Dimitris were figuring it out.
“The blood rose. You planted it here as a distraction?” Neo tossed to Milo.
“Not a distraction,” Dimitris mumbled. “You knew the garden had a parallel dimension to Faerie. Meaning, you planted the blood rose on purpose.”
“Did you think because I’m a newly freed fae that I don’t carry tricky tendencies?” Milo tossed at us as he crossed his arms across his chest. “To get to the point, I planted the blood rose in this garden for two reasons. One was to know if Willow was truly suicidal. Or to simply put it, if she’d ever been suicidal, the blood rose would emit an aroma that would put her in a trance, but if she did try to find the rose, it would be impossible.”
“Because it's not here,” Neo whispered. “You planted on the Faerie side.”
“Willow felt dizzy earlier,” I acknowledged. “Which is when Willa showed up.”
“That’s not a sign of suicidal effect from the blood rose,” Arthur surprisingly spoke up. “She probably felt dizzy because she’s pushing herself and hasn’t had a good eight hours of sleep, let alone three. The more sleep-deprived you are, the greater the chance of your alter egos coming out to play. Take my word for it.”
He stared back at Neo, who was still admiring the drawing Arthur had created.
“Do you really like it?”
“I want to recreate it,” Neo admitted and glanced up at him. “But I would have to see it first-hand myself.”
“Well, she’s right there.” Arthur gestured forward. “You guys just have to admit what I already know.”