Page 108 of Wolf Domination
There was a “shhh” sound that was followed with a giggle.
“Oops.” Arthur played right along with the sound. “My bad,” he said to what would have looked like the air to our vision as he placed his finger against his lips. “Your secret is safe with me, Sweet Blood Rose.”
“You gave her a different nickname,” I complained.
“Have to when she’s a different entity. A very powerful one at that,” Arthur hummed. “I wonder why?”
“You’re implying that fae magic was used,” Dimitris concluded, which was fucking confusing because I didn’t know how the conversation had even gotten to that summarized sentence. I really didn’t like how out of the loop I felt, but this wasn’t the time to deal with that.
“Used in what, Alpha?” Arthur sang as he took his drawing pad back and proceeded to skip until he was behind Milo, who didn’t seem to mind his presence as he placed his chin on Milo’s right shoulder. “What are you unraveling in that smart mind of yours?”
Dimitris’s grim look told me I wasn’t going to like what he was going to reveal, but he didn’t hesitate in answering.
“The secret experiments done on Willow as a kid by the Coven. You’re implying that they involved fae magic, which is why Willa was able to bend through the barrier between human and Faerie and enter the other side without struggle,” he deciphered as his expression only got grimmer. “Willa is clearly a concoction of those experiments. She’s what the Vile Queen is trying to unlock and keep in control permanently, right? That’s why she doesn’t care if she gets her hands on Willow dead or alive. If she’s dead, Willa will take control and be able to switch to Will. If alive, she can just torture the shit out of Willow until she submits and gives the Vile Queen what she wants.”
“Ding. Ding. Ding!” Arthur cheered. “Right on the money!”
“You figured that out, Milo?” Neo brought up.
“Somewhat,” Milo admitted. “I needed to think about it, and honestly, we haven’t had much time to really delve into the whole experiment stuff that Willow has gone through. Yes, we talked about it, but I assumed we’d have a better opportunity to confront it. Seems like this is the chance, and Willa wants us to discuss this now for a reason.”
“The runway is only a few hours away,” Dimitris noted. “She wants us to know before then.”
“But why?” Neo was the one to ask as he looked at Milo and Arthur. “And what are you two most concerned about? Especially you, Milo.”
The dark fae prince seemed apprehensive in answering but Arthur wrapped his arms around his neck and whispered something into his ear.
Milo pouted and gave Arthur the side eye but decided to reveal what we clearly knew nothing about.
“If fae magic was incorporated in these experiments, that means it was stolen.”
“Stolen…” Dimitris said the single word while Neo’s eyes began to glow once more—the vivid spinning of those magic circle irises proving that he was trying to acquire more information about this revelation.
It was only a second before we sensed the shift—Nico now grinning sinisterly before he tsked in a form of delight.
“The Coven is in big shit if what you’re saying is true, Milo,” Nico disclosed, but he looked like this was some sort of celebration.
A celebration of bloodshed.
“Why are they in big shit?”my wolf growled.“Why do we feel out of the loop in this conversation? Everyone knows what’s fucking going on but us.”
Because we’re an orphan with no passed down knowledge while we’re basically surrounded by overpowered royals.
“We’re royalty and powerful,”my wolf stressed.
I know…
“I guess some of you may be wondering why?” Nico carried on after the moment of silence, his eyes of mischief briefly landing on me before they moved back to Milo. “A law was made long ago, one that if broken will invite a magnitude of consequences that do not shy away from death via public execution.”
His eyes moved on to Dimitris, knowing the pureblood probably knew exactly what Nico was going to bring to the light.
“No race unless marked as royalty or a member of the High Council is allowed to manipulate fae magic,” Nico disclosed. “Meaning the magic used was stolen from a fae.”
“An extremely powerful one at that,” Milo disclosed. “Stolen fae magic only has a limited time of being incubated for outside use. The stronger and higher rank the fae, the greater the longevity of their magic.”
“Shit,” I cursed. “You’re saying the Coven in conjunction with the Vile Queen stole fae magic from a being of hierarchy and dosed Willow with it when she was recovering back then?” It was outrageous. What was the true purpose behind such actions? “What’s the end game in that?”
“You’re not connecting the dots?” Arthur hummed. “What happens when two shifter beings exchange energies at a heightened rate and in a short timeframe?”