Page 260 of Wolf Domination
“Let us wait ten minutes. If nothing occurs, we can take le—”
“AMBUS—AH!!!” By the time our eyes landed on the guard in question, his body was being flung by a black tentacle right into the ground.
The impact left only his feet piercing out from the soiled surface, leaving us to assume his fate had truly come to a stop.
I immediately looked for Whitney, my eyes landing on her shocked expression as she held Malika tightly in her grasp.
“Go to Queen Elphaba and stay there until Queen Moremi summons you!”The power in my voice pushed her to nod before her body shimmered with golden light.
“Mom? Milo? Willow!” Malika called out to us as she outstretched her hand, which was turning more transparent by the second.
An eerie screech came from behind us, but I didn’t peel my eyes off until Whitney disappeared with Malika in tow. Then I caught onto another tentacle that was aiming at Queen Moremi.
“Milo!” I urged him as I pointed to Queen Moremi, who wasn’t paying attention to the threat at hand. Her hands were moving swiftly as she pointed in different directions and barked orders.
“Shit!” Milo cursed and moved away from my side in a golden blur before he managed to jump before Queen Moremi just as the black tenacles came crashing into both of them. They missed the spinning portal by mere seconds, the two of them colliding with a bunch of bushes.
“Defend Queen Moremi and Prince Milo!” I ordered to the guards, who swiftly followed my orders. But one of them pointed behind me.
“Watch out, Princess!”
I managed to spin around in time to see the double attack heading my way, but there was no time to even dodge as they both collided with me with so much force, I was out of breath.
“Willow!” I heard Amos cry out.
My gut instincts told me to stop time this instant, but before I knew what was happening, I was soaring through the air and crashed into something that made everything feel like it was spinning in slow motion. By the time I landed on the ground, I felt so nauseous, I couldn’t get up.
“Time to kill what’s bothering my beloved.”
I couldn’t grasp who’d said those words. The voice was so foreign to me, and yet the energy cloaking his words made me squirm to try to coordinate myself out of this dizzy state.
My heart hammered against my chest, my panic only making me fear what felt like my looming death. Unless the spinning nauseous stopped, I wouldn’t be coherent enough to fight against whoever was about to get rid of my existence.
“Lay a single hand on her and I’ll destroy your kingdom in eight minutes and leave not a single ash behind.”
A hand landed across my eyes, making me flinch as I fought off the urge to scream.
“Be calm, Sweet Destiny. No harm will lay a finger upon you.”Amos's voice was almost unrecognizable, which was why it took him calling me Sweet Destiny for me to click on it.
“Do not interfere, boy.”
The way Amos chuckled made it seem as if this man had already lost a sort of bet.
“It’s a shame that you of all people would dare to interfere,”Amos began.“No worries. The moment the new year bestows itself upon the mundane world, the fifteen years you plagued me with sworn secrecy comes to a dramatic end.”
The other voice growled, and I wasn’t sure if he tried to attack because Amos tsked.
“Lay a single thread of your power on what’s mine and I’ll keep to my word of destroying everything you’ve fought to keep hidden in the shadows,”he growled.“Only my oath keeps me from ruining you, but do not push me.”
It felt like I was being scooped up, and I only remained calm thanks to the feel of Amos’s body matched with his delicate aroma with a hint of cologne.
“Hang in there, Willow. This is going to be a nauseating ride.”
I mentally nodded and hugged myself as tightly as I could before it felt like we were entering another swirling space that only made my dizziness worse.
Before I could grasp it, I was on the ground, rolling over and vomiting out whatever was even left in my stomach, to begin with.