Page 261 of Wolf Domination
When was the last time I ate again?
“Fucking hell, what just happened?!”Bria exclaimed, which only made me flinch and groan because it was far too loud for my pounding head.“Oh shit. Sorry, Willow. I couldn’t reach you. I sensed you were in danger and so did the pack but nothing was reaching you.”
I really wanted to answer her but I was fighting to grasp my own consciousness as I briefly opened my eyes, only for the world to be spinning like I was on the fastest rollercoaster in America.
Whatever possessed me into thinking attempting to get up on two feet was a good idea only encouraged my eyes to roll back as my body just dropped like dead weight.
“Got you!” Either I was hallucinating or Milo was now holding me in his grasp. “Fuck. Amos! Are you fucking insane?”
“Clearly only when it comes to Willow,” Amos grunted and groaned. “Doesn’t even matter how many times I go through that fae portal shit. Still makes me sick as fuck.”
“King Amos! Princess Willow. Are you alright?” someone questioned.
“I’ll attend to them! Secure the area and ensure no dark magicians or summoned fae lore are in the area!” Milo ordered. “Also, ensure Mother is heavily protected! It’s clear this isn’t simply an ambush from the Coven.”
The Coven? Seriously?
“Mother?” a foreign voice questioned.
“Let Quil and Jack help. You used far too much magic taking that creature out.” I did recognize that voice. The image of the Warlock Aurelia had been dating for years now came to my mind.
Zane? Does that mean Aurelia’s men are here? When did they arrive?
Milo let out a grunt. “Fine, but I’m holding her.”
“Fine by us,” another voice that I didn’t quite recognize declared.
“Amos? You alive over there?” Milo ended up asking as I felt a sudden warmth flood through me. I wanted to squirm away from the sensation even though it felt like it was helping me, the foreign magic feeling so odd in comparison to when one of my men healed me.
“Relax, Willow,” Milo encouraged and his hand pressed against my cheek. “I’m right here. We need help making sure you don’t get tainted by the dark fae magic still clinging to you.”
Dark fae magic. I must have truly stumbled into Faerie unexpectedly.
“Barely,” Amos managed to say after I forced myself to settle down.
The warmth was running through my body in waves now, and though I still didn’t like it, my body began to calm as my mind seemed to slip out of consciousness for a moment.
When I came back, Milo was mid-conversation and clearly furious.
“Find out exactly which kingdom dared to make an act against us and the Phoenix Family. Inform Queen Elphaba of our whereabouts and what occurred,” Milo stressed. “As for Willow stopping time like Amos had detected, there’s no way Amos would have managed to bring Willow out of Faerie without us being a day late.”
“Whoever it was had to want to get Willow separated from you guys,” Zane spoke up and he sounded just as upset as Milo. “Aurelia has less than three days before she’s executed. The magic used here is clearly from witches and a few Dark Fae. That means there has to be an alliance involved for that to occur, and it couldn’t have been ordered by Aurelia because she has no access to anyone right now.”
I fought to open my eyes, wanting to know what was happening now that I realized the Coven and a Fae kingdom were involved. It could have been a plot to detour us away from saving Aurelia from execution. That was the only reason I could think of for such an ambush, especially with Aurelia’s pack being present.
I managed to open my eyes, my weak lids managing to stay half open while my blurry vision fought to get a clear sight of Milo, who noticed my wakened state.
“Hey, Queen,” he whispered with relief. “Is the world still spinning?”
“No,” I croaked and really wondered how long I’d been out for. “Don’t tell me I slept for eternity.”
“Six minutes, forty-five seconds,” a man declared, to which another voice muttered, “She didn’t mean literally, Jack.”
“What? I’m just ensuring she’s informed of the exact time she’d been unconscious while we healed her, Quil.”
“It’s good we got here on time,” Zane declared with a sigh. “Ace overheard two Coven members discussing a deal with the Fae that would ensure Aurelia’s execution would be successful.”
“With a bit of torture, they confirmed that they knew that the son of King Raymond would be returning a fae child to Faerie to fulfill his duty and finalize royal responsibilities. In return, he would be allowed to claim his birthright and rise to his throne,” Ace explained. “I don’t know much about Fae stuff but I’m sure King can elaborate. King?”