Page 42 of The Buzz: Vol. One
Chapter Five
Apparently being a baby also involved tubby time with Daddy. Not like her usual tubby time when Daddy and/or Papa would sit outside the tub and wash her hair, scrub every inch of her clean, and let her play with her myriad bath toys, but Daddy in the tub with her since she was too little to be in the tub by herself.
She hadn’t anticipated the effect those words would have on her either. Every time Daddy tsked at her and said, “No, Baby Cosy, you’re too little,” there was that cuddly warm feeling that seemed irrevocably entwined with a hotter filament of lust. Made her belly twist in the most delicious—and horny—way.
It didn’t help either that her daddy had been filling her up with his cock. First in her mouth as he sat on the edge of the tub and washed her hair while she sucked on him, then in her pussy when he’d bent her over the edge to lather up her back and shoulders and hips. Now she was settled on his lap with his dick firmly wedged in her ass as he spread her legs by parting his knees and soaped up her tits. Slick and wet, he nevertheless managed to pinch and tug at her nipples, knead her breasts hard until they were hot and sore.
Cosima wanted at once for him to glance a finger over her throbbing clit so she could come, but also to keep her dancing on this nearly painful edge forever. He’d occasionally tap the paci in her mouth as if to remind her it was there, and was almost constantly murmuring in her ear. What a good girl she was, how sweet she was, how good she felt, what a well-behaved baby she was being. She was really enjoying Baby Cosy time; they’d definitely be doing this again.
“Hmm, I think my babygirl is getting a little squirmy. If you keep splashing around like that, you’re going to make a mess.”
Cosima whimpered around her paci because she’d like to see him be teased and tormented for this long without coming. But it wouldn’t be the same because he wouldn’t like it, not the way she did.
Yes, it was agony, but of the sweetest sort. Even though she whined and mewled, she wouldn’t trade this for anything. No, she rocked her hips, managing to get a fraction of an inch more of her daddy’s thick erection into her stretched bottom.
“You know what happens to naughty babies who make messes.”
She did, because they’d talked about it before they’d started playing. Daddy had asked if it would be okay to play punish her. “Funishment” he called it, because babies didn’t get punished for real, it was just pretend.
Cosima hated getting punished for real. It made her feel sick and awful and she avoided it whenever possible. Yes, her guilt would dissipate by the time it was over, but goodness those few smacks on her bottom or the couple dozen lines she’d have to write made her cry harder than any whip bite, any cane stroke, any thwack of a paddle.
When she was feeling brittle or anxious already she couldn’t force her brain to make believe; the discipline felt real and it was awful. But she’d had such a glorious day with Papa yesterday and another one with her daddy today, so maybe it would be okay? She nodded so Daddy would know she was game.
He bit her earlobe softly and she shivered when he murmured, “they get spanked,” into her ear. Yes, yes they did. It was sweet how he tilted her head to the other side and said in a voice just above a whisper, “Just for funsies, teapot. Babies don’t get disciplined, never ever. If it doesn’t feel fun and sexy, then you say ‘sassafras’ right away.”
She nodded again so he would know she heard him. Getting spanked when they were playing was great, like wow, super great. This was going to be super great. That’s what the involuntary arch of her back said as she pushed her breasts into Daddy’s lovingly cruel hands and felt his hardness spearing hot and possessive into her backside.
Daddy pressed his knees wider still, forcing her legs further apart, and he cupped a palm over her mound, rubbing her clit in the way he knew drove her up a wall because it felt wickedly good but also wasn’t quite enough to drive her over the edge.
She felt her mind and her will crumbling as he toyed with her, and just as she was about to completely lose it, he pinched that sensitive bundle of nerves between his fingers and twisted, sending her careening into an orgasm that sent mini tidal waves crashing around and over the lip of the tub.
* * *
Baby Cosy’s funishment had gone very well. After he’d toweled her off from tubby time and gotten himself dressed while she cuddled with Hopscotch in her crib, he’d taken her over his lap in the big rocking chair and spanked and finger fucked her to a couple more climaxes. She was currently straddling his lap, arms draped around his neck like a sleepy little sloth. Cutie pie.
Giving her good girl spankings masquerading as punishment was always a gamble. He wouldn’t have risked it if she’d seemed wound up at all, but his sweet babygirl had been a saucer full of lovey cuddles and contentedness all day. Still was, lazing against him with her head on his shoulder while he stroked the soft skin of her back. She could take another nap if she really wanted to or needed to, but he hoped she’d rally for at least a bit longer.
When Cosy shifted her weight a couple times, he knew he’d gotten his wish.
He put the back of his hand to her forehead and hummed a noise of faux concern. “Uh-oh, Baby Cosy feels warm to me. Daddy should probably take your temperature just to make sure his precious babygirl’s not coming down with something.”
She wriggled against him. Not a lot, but enough for him to know she was ready. Her nod against his shoulder was just a confirmation of what he already knew.
He’d like to think he’d learned her so well over the past year, and fancied himself a damn attentive daddy, but he wasn’t perfect, and he was never insulted by her telling him things flat out or underscoring her more subtle tells. If anything, he encouraged it because he always wanted her to feel as though she could tell him, them, anything, ever. She had a say, a voice, and it mattered to him deeply that she knew they would always listen and respect her wishes.
It was one thing to coax and press and yes, all three of them delighted in pushing her boundaries, but they’d never step across the lines she’d so carefully and thoughtfully drawn, never mind run roughshod over them. That would go against everything he believed in as a human but would also violate Cosima’s trust, which he cherished.
Being his size could be annoying—hard to find clothes that fit right off the rack, flying coach was basically impossible and even first class could be uncomfortable, and he could intimidate people even when he didn’t mean to. But being able to scoop up his babygirl in his arms with barely any effort and tote her over to the changing table was definitely one of the perks.
Hudson set her down and fastened a strap across her belly, ostensibly so she wouldn’t fall off, but really because once she’d felt safe with them, Cosy loved to be restrained. It made her squirmy and wet, just how he liked her. He grabbed a blanket from the rail of the crib and draped it over her, even though it was warm in the playroom. His teapot always liked to be cozy.
“Babies always get their temperatures taken in their bottoms,” he told her. “And it’s really important to get an accurate reading in case we have to call Doctor Eric. So before Daddy takes your temperature, I’m going to clean your insides just as well as I cleaned your outsides. One with soap so you’re squeaky clean and then as many rinses as it takes until the water runs clear.”