Page 43 of The Buzz: Vol. One
Even under the blanket he could see her nipples harden into points, and yeah, his dick wasn’t exactly deflated either. Who knew exactly what it was about filling Cosy’s bottom up with whatever he felt like on a given day, but it never failed to get his motor running. And as long as he was careful to keep her safe and she consented, who really cared?
“Daddy’s going to get you ready for a nice, warm soapy enema now and then I’ll get the solution so it doesn’t get cold.”
Cosy shivered under the blanket but didn’t protest at all, just suckled her paci and blinked at him with her big doe eyes.
Chapter Six
Daddy strapped her down even more firmly than usual—he had to, she was too little to be left unsupervised even for a second if she wasn’t thoroughly restrained. Ankles buckled into padded stirrups with other straps just below her knees, still more around her thighs, a deliciously thick strap at the bottom of her ribs, a slightly less solid one just below her breasts with a matching one above, cuffs that attached to the sides of the changing table and a harness for her head her daddies only used on very special occasions because they knew it set her on the edge of an orgasm the second they buckled it on. The chinstrap was loose enough so she could spit out her paci and safe word if she needed to, but she could easily pretend it wasn’t.
Daddy didn’t put the blanket over her this time and that was fine. She knew he liked to see her ribcage rise and fall when he checked her reflection in the big mirror in the bathroom. Her teddybear daddy, always keeping her safe.
Didn’t take long for him to come back with the large enema bag swollen with a sudsy solution. That was all going in her belly. While the thought should’ve made her anxious—and it did a tiny bit—mostly it excited her. Being filled up felt good and Daddy loving on her while the warm solution drained into her made her feel extra good.
Yes, sometimes she got cramps and those weren’t fun but she did love how her daddies would ease her through the pain, massaging her tummy and crooning kind things to her until it was over and then they’d tell her what a brave girl she’d been, how proud they were, and how grateful it made them feel that she would allow them this achingly intimate gift. And for a girl who could subsist on praise alone for days at a time if she had to, her daddies’ love and pride and approval was the best gift of all.
Daddy slicked a bit of lube onto the nozzle and into her bottom before inserting the narrow tube inside her, and inflating the little balloons on either side of her sphincter that would keep the tubing in place. It felt a little funny but mostly she was thankful for it. She had a terror of making a huge and yucky mess even though her daddies wouldn’t be angry. It just seemed real gross, that was all.
Then it started, the first flow of water inside her. The warmth was familiar, as was the way her daddy stroked her cheek and her hair and her tummy, bent his head to take a nipple in his mouth to suckle. Sometimes when Daddy or Papa gave her an enema it was a quick affair, more like a prelude to a scene than part of the scene itself, but this time she knew it would take a while and Daddy would make her come. Probably more than once.
Judging by the way he danced fingers over her tummy and started lightly circling her clit? Yep, totally more than once.
Cosima tried not to be impatient, she really did, but everything Daddy was doing to her conspired to make her a horny mess, and she wasn’t so full that she was uncomfortable yet. No, just full enough that it felt a titch more snug than usual when Daddy slid a finger into her pussy and fucked her with it. Just the one? Ugh, he was the meanest.
She squeaked her protest and he lifted his head, a smile curling one side of his mouth.
“Is that not enough for my pretty baby? Poor thing, don’t want my babygirl frustrated. Here, Daddy will help.”
And he did. Next time he withdrew his finger, he pushed two inside her and instead of the teasing strokes over her clit, he ground his thumb into the sensitive nub. Plus took her nipple back into his mouth and drew hard before biting down. That was it, that was enough for her climax to bloom, bursting open into unfurling petals of pleasure.
“Oh, good girl, Baby Cosy. Daddy loves it when you come for him,” he told her, warm brown eyes gazing down at her as he rested a hand over her sex so she could rock out the aftershocks against his palm. “Let’s do it again. And again. And again.”
* * *
A couple hours later, he’d given Baby Cosy the biggest enema she’d ever taken, a couple more smaller ones to rinse her out, and four more orgasms. She was basically a puddle of exhausted and wrung out babygirl as he carried her back to the changing table after she’d expelled her last enema.
She sighed as he laid her face-down on the padded top of the changing table, even wiggled her little butt when he put a wedge under her hips and then drew a strap over her waist. Hudson couldn’t help but chuckle—she was insatiable and it was fantastic. She was fantastic.
“Finally time to take your temperature,” he told her, and took the large thermometer out to lube up before inserting it into her bottom.
Not that she probably needed the lube since she’d been opened for so long but he planned to push more inside her there before they were through and he didn’t want the friction to make her too tender. Not since she’d be with Ryker tomorrow and there was no way he’d take it easy on her rear passage.
Cosy made a tiny sound as he pressed the thick glass tube inside her, but didn’t protest. He didn’t expect her to. He could’ve played with her cunt while they waited for the time to pass but instead he rubbed her back and occasionally toyed with the thermometer, twisting or rotating it to remind her it was there. She was almost always soft but there was something about having her ass filled up that made her seem even more receptive and sensitive. Pretty baby.
Once it had finally been ten minutes, he removed the thermometer and read the results. Normal for her, but he made a tsking sound as he shook his head.
“Yep, the baby has a little fever. Not enough to call Doctor Eric, but I think you need some medicine.”
Hudson had told her his plan earlier and made it clear he wouldn’t actually give her meds she didn’t need, the suppositories were just vitamins. He always tried to give her enough information to make her feel safe and informed as to what she was actually consenting to, but not so much that she got overwhelmed or it wasn’t fun anymore. Not always easy, but he did his best. He never wanted to resemble the human trash heap she’d called Master for eight years.
He pushed two of the suppositories into her bottom—not nearly large enough to stretch after what he’d done to her already but still big enough for her to feel them—and then chased them with a silicone plug.
“There you go, teapot.”
He patted her backside lightly and she mewled around her paci. Harder for his babygirl to take gentle than rough.