Page 55 of A Royal Obligation
Lord Howard rode toward them with no one else from their group in sight. “There you are. Are you okay, Miss Smith? If only I could have responded more quickly, then maybe you might be riding back with me.” He shot her a suggestive look.
“Luckily, I know how to think on my feet and respond quickly,” Barrett murmured so only she could hear, drawing a laugh out of her.
“We should be getting back to everyone. I trust you remember the way back,” Barrett said to Lord Howard over his shoulder, already leading his horse back.
Jules felt him wrap his arm more tightly around her middle, as he brought his horse to a gallop. After a few minutes, they approached the rest of the group. Charlotte’s eyes fell to Barrett’s arm around Jules, and her smile faltered slightly before she regained her composure.
“Jules, I am so glad you are okay.”
“Thank you, Lady Charlotte,” she replied shyly, looking down at the ground.
“Fine riding, Your Highness,” Lord Howard said in an agitated manner, finally catching up.
“Yes, we are lucky you were so quick to jump into action,” Prince James added with a wide grin.
They all rode the few minutes back to the stables, and Jules got off the horse before Barrett could help her down. She inclined her head towards Lady Charlotte, silently suggesting for him to help her. Barrett jogged over to Charlotte and assisted her in getting off her horse.
“I should probably help the stable hands find the horse since I know where we last saw it. I’m sorry we didn’t get to spend more time together. I promise we will soon.”
“Of course, Your Highness.” Charlotte gave a slight curtsy and walked over to where Jules was standing.
“Would you like to walk back to the palace with me?” Charlotte asked.
She nodded and they began walking.
“Charlotte, I’m so sorry for what happened. I didn’t mean to take up time with Prince Barrett on your date.”
“Don’t even think twice about it. It’s not your fault your horse bolted. I’m glad that you’re okay.”
Jules took a deep breath. She needed to tell her what was going on. The guilt was beginning to eat her alive.
“I really need to tell you something. I—” Jules stopped talking and walking so abruptly that Charlotte ran into her. Her mouth fell open and Charlotte’s eyes followed her gaze, causing her mouth to drop agape as well.
Lady Raina had Prince Liam pressed up against the side of the stable, blatantly flirting with him. Liam noticed them and shoved Lady Raina back. He straightened his jacket and nodded at Jules, averting his eyes before offering an apology to Lady Charlotte. He made a quick exit, rushing back to the palace, only pausing to shoot Lady Charlotte another apologetic glance over his shoulder.
After he left, Jules noticed he hadn’t even said goodbye to Lady Raina who was still standing there, looking not at all phased by the events that had occurred.
She shrugged her shoulders and winked at both Jules and Charlotte as she walked in between them. “Oh, Prince James!” she yelled out, wiggling her fingers. “I need to have a word with you.” Her lips turned pouty as she whined.
Jules looked over at Charlotte and rolled her eyes, causing her to let out a giggle that she covered up with a cough. Charlotte hooked her arms through Jules’s, and they walked back to the palace.
“And then, he kissed me! Err—I kissed him? Okay, I don’t know who kissed who first. But the point is that we kissed. It was earth-shattering, and I’m falling for him.” Jules’s face fell into her hands as tears began to surface. “Then he told me that he has feelings for me.”
Rory’s mouth fell open. “He actually said he had feelings for you? That’s a good thing, right?”
“It would’ve been if he hadn’t promptly rejected me. Oh, Rory, what am I supposed to do? I know he can’t marry me because he has to marry someone royal, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.” Jules wrapped her arms around her middle as Rory came and put her arms around her.
Jules had held in her tears from the moment he rejected her, and now they flowed out of her like a rushing river. She had played the kiss off like it was a dating lesson, but Barrett meant so much more to her than those silly lessons. Obviously, a lot more than she must mean to him, since he wasn’t willing to fight for her.
Rory lifted Jules’s face. “You know what you will do? You’ll continue to help with the school renovations and see what happens along the way. Enjoy the journey, Jules, and then you can be on to whatever is next for you.”
“You’re right. I need to stop freaking out. I feel anxious around Charlotte though. I don’t want her to think I’ve gone behind her back or think that this was something I meant to happen.”
“Knock, knock!” Charlotte yelled out, already walking into Jules’s room.
“Charlotte, how can I help you?” Jules asked, while sending “help me” eyes to Rory and wiping her tears away.
“I needed a little bit of girl talk.” Charlotte said, sitting down on the settee. “How do I know if someone is the one? I mean, I know I like being around Barrett. He is kind and loves his kingdom—that much is apparent. He always brings up things I love in conversation and asks very thoughtful questions. He even has gotten better at small things. Like putting his hand on my lower back while we walk or helping me down off my horse. But how do I know if he’s my forever? I don’t want to let my parents down. They are counting on me marrying him.” She sighed, letting her usually put-together facade fade away.