Page 5 of Snatched Princess
My eyes plead with him to rub me out, but he withdraws his fingers from my hot, velvet folds. He looks me in the eye and sucks his fingers clean. “Pussy juice. My favorite. Mmm. I’ll be back for the rest of it later. Keep it wet for me.” The hot gravel he speaks with cools my bones as he stalks out the door, slamming it shut.
He leaves me hanging, locked up again, reminding me that he's my kidnapper and I'm his prisoner.
I’m gonna have to finish this nut out by myself. Damn. Those fingers. I touch my pussy; it’s throbbing hard from his touch.
You’re gonna end up his sex slave…
Chapter Three
I got a semi, and don’t want that bad boy hijacking the meeting. I detour to the bathroom, taking a deep breath. I smell my fingers one time just to be sure. Oh yeah, I grin back at myself. You got you a real nice snatch.
I wash my hands. If that snatch is mine, so is her essence. Her pussy smells good on my fingers. Left the bitch hanging too. She’s gonna be dying for this dick when I come back. Splashing water on my face, my train of thought drifts to the split coke. That’s enough to drop my dick down.
I pat it. “Later, later, I’m gonna feed you.”
Rolling into the church room, I reach down in my pocket for my lighter. I’m gonna need a blunt to go into this meeting. A greasy smirk lifts on my face. Better I’m high while the boys bend me over to spank me like a child.
Dropping down at the back, Sledge's eyes immediately land on me. Then Bull’s. Then Slash. Fuck is their problem? I put my hands up, sparking up my joint. A couple of patches are on my left with a drink in hand. Bulls got his heavy hands wrapped around a drink. We all got our vices, but the energy is hostile.
The heavy thud of the gable grabs my attention. I sit up taking a toke of the gunga. It hits my system real good. Ah, that’s better.
“Okay boys, church is in session. Snatch, you’re up. I need to know how much coke was spilt out by that bitch?” His aggressive tone gives him away. I don’t fucking appreciate his shoulders rolling in as his eyes burrow into me.
“Lucky for you, it’s not that much. It’s an expendable amount. But none of it should have been spilled,” I admit sinking into the mellowness of my high.
“Who the fuck is she and what the fuck was she doing back there any ways?” Slash spews his face twisted. Brother better calm down. Good, I've got a joint between my lips. I’m thinking of how I’m gonna make that bitch come, how I’m gonna skeet all over her stomach.
I gotta tell him what’s the score.
“Yo, I told you. You know how it is. If I get a scent of that snatch, and I'm snatchin' that bitch!” I cackle as a few of the patches who rode with me harbor secret smiles. They want to laugh, I know it, but they can’t cos’ Slash is in his ego-tripping bag.
“You need to get serious, kid! We have enough heat on us as is, this isn't helping at all!” Bull throws his unwanted opinion in.
“Who the fuck is she anyways?” Slash questions.
“What the fuck you mean who is she motherfucker? I already told you who she is, why you keep asking the same fucking question over and over man?” I’m sick of Slash. He can suck my balls. Puffing out, I stub out my joint. Shit’s getting too real, so I have to be coherent for what’s being said.
Psych pats his hands on the table as if he’s remembering something. “Oh shit! I know who it is, that’s Lara Lennox? Breaks Lennox's daughter, boy?” Psych cups a hand to his mouth and rolls back from his chair, shaking his head at me.
“Breaks Lennox, like Savage Outlaws Breaks Lennox?” Bull asks.
“Yeah, that’s the one,” Psych replies while I grin.
“Fuck me Snatch!What the fuck man!Aren't we in deep enough shit already that you gotta go get us in deeper? Your judgement is fucked man. You're sitting this one out.” Slash is ropable, but he’s a goddamn patch like me. How the fuck is he authorized to tell me what to sit out.
“Whoa whoa whoa whoa, last time I checked the ballot box, nobody voted you in as a President of this club. Sooo you better check yourself Slash.” I point my finger at his face, snarling. “You're just a bitchy little patch who thinks he's entitled to the seat because your father died. Well, I tell you what, you ain't nobody!” I wanna shut his ass down. Goes away to jail and comes back thinking he owns the joint. “So don't come here questioning me and telling me what I'm gonna do and what I'm not gonna do,” I fire an arrow right between his eyes.
Mr. wannabe president don't like that. He stands up and rounds the table to me. I sit up getting ready to stand. Unchecked resentment bubbles up as I bare my teeth, pushing my chair away.
“Don't you dare bring my father into this.” Slash screams as he lunges at me. He can’t see straight cos I hit him in the chest with the truth. I drop him down, catching him in a headlock.
“You’re not taking me out of anything,” I declare as I back up against the wall. His back crunches against it as I knock the wind out of him. Bull skips around the table.
“Hey, hey, break this shit up!” Panting I shrug my t-shirt down.
“Bull's been here just as long as Axe, if anything the seat should go to him.”