Page 6 of Snatched Princess
Bull drives a wedge between us, sending us to our respective corners, but I see the smile on his face. Let that hit him in the fucking chest since he wants to act like he runs the show. My adrenaline is off the charts and this beast inside me is ready to take his head off.
“Guys we don't have time for this shit, we need to get a plan in place. Let's hear some ideas.” Nobody speaks. I don’t give out shit, I’m trying to stop my brain from working out a jab combination to fuck Slash up. Bull’s head rotates around the table. He slaps it hard, making drinks bounce. “Fuckin' crickets! Well, I got an idea. Let's use Lennox's little whore as a bargaining chip for him to give up the rest of the drugs.”
Sledge arks up stretching out his arm. “This motherfucker again with the bargaining human beings!”
“What? She's the fucking enemy’s daughter! It's the highest chip in the game. And Snatch is not like your soft ass, all pussy whooped,” Bull stated.
“Yo, yo, yo...but nothing happens until I get a taste of that snatch.”
“Are you seriously fucking stupid? The savages are gonna come hunt us. On top of all the other shit we have going on, and all you care about is pussy. It's idiotic thinking, it’s shit like that bringing down great clubs.” Slash is yelling, and I’m sick of Bull’s shit. I want them both to shut up.
“Yo, fuck you Slash.” I point my finger in his face. Slash slaps it away, his cheeks flaming red.
“I call the meeting adjourned, everybody get out, until we figure out a better plan than putting humans on the line,” Slash says in a disappointed voice.
Checking the temperature around the table, things feel rocky. Despondency, agitation, and no drive. When Axe ran the club shit was different. In order. Bull don’t want Slash in that seat. I touch the side of my face feeling for the tiny, raised scars from Lara’s claws. The woman had wildcat written all over her. I can’t wait to do her.
Watching the guys peel out one by one I look them in the face. Nothing. Do they feel the same way I do? Slash has some radical ideas about how to run the club, but I’ve grown up with this sucker. I don’t see him the same way as others. I’m not hanging around to chill with him like I normally do, did he just imply I’m not loyal. Get the fuck out of here.
“I need a drink, ruined my high and shit.” I ain’t got the energy to call one of the prospects over. One of them is entertaining one of the steady club whores, but I’m fucking pissed right now.
I wish that shit didn’t slice me like a razor, but it did. I love my brothers. I pour the Hennessy in a short glass adding some coke. Oh yeah. Right on spot. I down it, thinking on what he said. I’m the fucking one to bring the club down? My lip curls up in a snarl. He’s got balls saying that to me.
I shake my head feeling reckless, and my hands are tingling. If I could have clipped him on the chin or a nice love tap to the jaw, I would have knocked sense into him.
I squint as I watch Slash’s short, choppy stride cross over to Sledge. Both are talking on the couch. Probably producing some bullshit plan to fuck up the club again.
Man, when I saw Lara, it was an opportunity I couldn’t resist. It was her own fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. All that long, wavy platinum blonde hair hanging down her back. Those nice big ole titties and her up high ass. Fucking beautiful. As soon as I saw her bending to check the coke my cock led me to the answer. Snatch it!
She’d poked her head in right when we were loading deep in the night. I’d panicked a little, but we couldn’t have witnesses either. I let my train of thoughts run. If I ever thought I made the right decision it would have been snatching the Savage Outlaw’s daughter up.
I’m like quicksilver when I snatch something. I got that sleight of hand thing going. A trait I picked up when I was young. I used to steal people’s wallets right out from under them. Shit at stores too. Nothing big, just small stuff. That thrill didn’t cut it for me though. I graduated to house burglaries.
“I bet you won’t do it. You can’t break and enter. You don’t have the balls,”Slash would taunt.
“Watch me.”
Seeing my brothers’ eyes when I scaled fences, picked locks, and raided garages won me some brownie points with the club. It’s how I got to lead out on missions like these. I always got shit back. Stealing is my motherfucking game.
A surge of anger pulses through my body. If Slash thinks I’m not valuable to the club, then he’s got his wires crossed. I’ve proven my loyalty repeatedly.
Who the hell is he to say that? A worried frown covers my face, and I drain the rest of my Henny, opting for another round. I’d listened to him when he bitched and moaned about not being respected by Axe and given more responsibilities. I covered and backed his ass when I didn’t have to. I swallow my drink. Now I can see the wisdom of why his father wouldn’t give him more responsibility.
“You gotta bide your time. You can’t rush. Your father built this club from the ground up, and it ain’t no cakewalk to run one.”
“Yeah, but he’s too slow. I can make us more cash. He won’t listen. He should rename himself to old battle Axe.”
All the sunset rides. We were boys before he was president. I shake my head thinking about what we’ve become.
I hit him real good in church too. He might have lost a father, but I lost a second one too. I learned a lot from Axe. Pussy game from my father, and street business from Axe.
A wry smirk rises on my mouth, reminiscing about him.
“You gotta put that thieving to good use boy. We can’t have you getting caught. You’re leading out for shipment drop offs and collections from now on. Keep you out of trouble.”
Ironic that Axe was the one that put me missions and now his son is trying to take me off them. I don’t want to think about this shit anymore, so I think of the snatch I got waiting for me.
I recalled Lara trying to scream, but my boys muzzled her. One on each side. Savagely she tried to bite one of the patches hands. I had her by the feet and by the time we got her to the van she had no fucking chance.