Page 8 of Madame Mayhem
“How to do what? Kill him. I got a bullet with his name on it, that’s how.”
“No, no, no. That’s why I stopped you. We have to work out an actual plan. The right one.”
“We have to take him out with nobody knowing. You can’t tell the guys. You can’t say anything to anybody.”
“Why Fi?”
“You will be the number one suspect, that’s why. Remember who voted for you and who didn’t. You feel me?”
“Fuck. Yeah, I’ve been trying to forget that shit. You’re right. If the one person who I thought would never vote against me did it, then there’s no telling if they would turn me into the cops…”
“Exactly.” Excitement over seeing Bull being buried in a casket has me flipping up on my stomach to look my man in the eyes. He’s eyes waver, and he tweaks my nipple. I can see him salivating for more, so I slap his hand away. “Focus babe. I wanna talk about this. We gotta work out a game plan. Okay?” I tell him in earnest.
“Okay, you’re tempting me, and those puppies are sitting right in front of me.”
“You’ve seen them before. Save it for later, baby. The victory love making session after we kill Bull.”
“I love you. I can’t tell you how much. You light my fire all the way up.” His mouth plunders into mine aggressively, and I suck in his kiss and pull back.
“I love you too. Now back to what I was saying… we can’t do this here. We can’t have it done anywhere near the club grounds.”
“Yeah, I agree. I have to think of a place… We have to lure him out. Get him out of his comfort zone somewhere.”
“Yep, lure that ugly, decrepit, old geezer out. I want his hands off Lily. When we do it, you get a turn. I get a turn too. Where?”
“If we can get him out near the border, somewhere close to that - it would be ideal. We can keep our hands cleaner out there. Many things go down near the border. Many people trying to cross over - back and forth. We’re less likely to get caught or have problems with a dead body.”
“You’re a fucking genius, Slash. That’s why you’re the best person to lead the club.”
“Fucking aye. That’s my fucking seat, Fi.”
“Your father will be so proud of you up there, taking back what’s his and vindicating him.”
“You got that right.” I slant forward into him, letting my lips cool down, the fire fueled by our plans for retaliation. Slash runs a finger down the middle of my throat before his kiss seals my lips to his.
“I’m gonna burn that bitch, Fi!”
Chapter Four: Fi Nix
Talking about taking Bull out makes me thirsty. “Hey, you want something to drink, bae? Alcohol, water, juice?”
“I got the full service? Water. It’s cool. There is nothing I need to drink. I’ll start ranting and shit. I don’t wanna go back out.”
She’s such a beautiful, chaotic mess it’s been hard to keep my feelings in check. All that dirty blonde hair hanging around her face. And that mouth. What a beauty it is. What comes out of it? She's everything to me, what she can put in it. I’ve had to keep my hands to myself, but now she’s given me her greatest gift when so many men have taken it from her. I wanna know more… I wanna know what happened to her for real. I know she said water, but I’m gonna bring back a bottle of Jack… Shit’s about to get heavy.
Reluctantly, I back up from her, sliding out of the bed and putting my jeans on. I didn’t even know what the time was I’d been so wrapped up with Fi and the world we’d created for ourselves. Truth being I could stay wrapped up with her forever and a day. A sneaky smirk crossed my face at her persuasive ways. In a lot of ways, she’d been right. The way to protect her was to be with her.
Rock music is playing and there’s chatter around the pool tables. I rake a hand through my hair with a huge sigh. It’s not what I want. I’m trying to roll incognito to the bar, but I can see Bull’s incisive eyes planted on the back of my head from the booth.
Good thing the booth is far enough away from me that I can’t get to him so quick. I’m not as volatile as Psych in my rages, but when it comes to my father I am. My brain’s playing tricks on me, wishing the guys didn’t pull me off him in Church. His lights were already fading and if they let me take him down for a few more seconds I could have least put him into a catatonic state. I keep my eyes steeled on the bar.
“Aye Slash. You good now?” Snatch asks and I cut right back at him with the monotone.
“I was good before. What are you talking about?” I reach over the bar for a bottle of Jack, Coke, and two glasses. I take the water too, but I’m gonna need the spirits, probably more so for me than Fi when I hear what she has to tell me. If I could go back in time and stab every one of these men that violated her, I would.
“Okay man, whatever.” He’s mumbling under his breath, but I don’t too much care about Snatch’s feelings. He’s a little bitch to me at this point. Me and Snatch go too far back not to come back together, but I’m a ticking time bomb at this point, so it’s best if I get my head together before I talk to him again. All I care about is getting Bull to drop to his arthritic knees and say his fucking prayers.