Page 22 of Imbalanced Minds
Chapter Twelve
It’s been four and a half days since Cory’s first visit. It amazes me how I blocked all the good memories out purely from spite. I didn’t want to remember the fun times rather I focused on the time I spent chasing him and getting let down. But deep down, they’re some of my favourite pastimes.
When I’d asked for him to see me first, I’ll admit I was scared. I didn’t want him to reject me any more than he already had. He definitely surprised me.
When he used the words fight for you, I wanted to bust out of my bed and fling my arms around him. I wanted him to hold me like he did all those years ago but knew it wasn’t the right time. If he’s serious about this, about me, then I need time to process it all. We both do.
My stay here has been a productive healing process so far. I had my nose put back in place yesterday, so my face is once again tender. Luckily for me, it was a simple fracture, so I avoided surgery. The x-ray on my ribs also came back clear of any major damage. My doctor told me they’re bruised, and I may be off work for up to six weeks at this stage. I’m bummed about that; it means no riding for almost two months and that itself will be Hell.
The slashes on my inner thigh weren’t deep enough to cause any concern, but bad enough to get me some stitches.
I ended up telling my parents about the severity of my depression; I felt guilty. Let’s just say they weren’t thrilled I’d kept that from them however Mum was only upset I’d not confided in her sooner. She understands why I did it. How it made complete sense, referring to my visit to the farm I’d had prior to this mess. Dad, too, was happy I’d confided in them.
I’ve had a constant wave of visitors; Nat has been here every day, spilling all the juicy gossip from the teachers of the Kindergarten she works at.
Justin has been in twice that I know of and never by himself. He’s been hiding behind others like a coward. Even though I’m disappointed, I can’t blame him for that. Nat divulged a little too much information one day which caused Jay to heave a chair across the room and storm out. I then knew how hard it was for him to see me like this. I let him away without visiting from that point on.
Cory’s been in every day too. It’s been pleasant having him here; he’s been telling me funny stories from his job as well. I never imagined being a bouncer would have its entertaining moments, but it sure does for him.
My doctor has been in and out, checking up on me and I suppose making sure my wounds are healing. She has referred me to a psychiatrist, which apparently is necessary in my condition. I’m a victim, she said. I hate the word victim. I hate even more that I’m put in a category. If having depression wasn’t enough, now I’m a victim of a violent attack too.
Although my doctor already told me I was free of any sexual assault, they also mentioned I was drugged, hence the black-out, temporary memory loss and mood swings during the first two days of recovery; the comedown effect they called it. I also found out from the Police while they questioned me a few days after I was admitted, my attacker got away. I can’t bring myself to speak of it to anyone anymore—especially his name. Nat was the only exception.
Everyone around me seems pissed off that I’ve chosen to bury it but screw them. I’m the one reliving the horror every single day so instead of wallowing in self-pity, I’ve been counting my last few days off the calendar in hope that someone comes to break me out of this joint. Regardless of their healing rules, I’m well ready to be curled up in my own bed again.
Only a couple more days to go.
“Good morning.” A deep sexy voice greets me from the entryway. I guarantee he’s being all tempting and flirty on purpose too. “Gah”, I scoff under my breath but secretly enjoy the attention he’s giving me.
Finding it easier to ignore the elephant in the room than to confront it I play along. “Good morning, Cory. What brings you here? And what is that?” I ask, pointing to the wheelchair he’s struggling to get through the doorway. Failing to hold back a giggle I can’t help but cringe in pain as I can no longer contain my laughter at his awkwardness.
“Shit, Petal, be careful. You’ll hurt yourself laughing at my expense and I don’t want you to hurt anymore because of me.”
Managing to calm myself, I look at him and wonder what changed his mind. He said he wasn’t coming in today.
I ask again. “You didn’t answer me, what are you doing here?”
“I’m busting you out, baby.” He smirks, a panty-melting one at that.
“Mr Whitman. I suggest there be no busting out of any kind.” Comes a voice behind Cory.
Having another giggle because even grown men can be so immature sometimes, I can’t help hissing in pain again; I’m not learning here at all.
“Sorry Doctor Sullivan, I’m just getting ready to collect our patient here. I promise no more wheelchair wheelies in the corridor.” Cory says, trying hard to hide his shit-eating grin.
“Right then, let’s get you all ready and discharged, Iris. We’ve already gone over your other medication, so you should be all sorted there. Here is your prescription and a small bottle of pain relief for the meantime.” Smiling down, she hands me my paperwork then continues. “If there is any concern, please call your general practitioner or come straight to Urgent Care. Take care of yourself, Miss Jones. It’s been a pleasure looking after you.” She turns and walks out of the room, leaving only the two of us.
Heat rises up my body to my cheeks, I shy away hoping he didn’t notice the massive blush form on my face.
“Iris, how about I get you out of here. We can talk once I get you home. I’m staying with you until you’re well enough to get back on your own two feet. And before you pipe up, Nat is staying with Justin and was all for this. She said I could have her room.”
I sigh in defeat because I already know how stubborn Cory can be and if I push an inch, he’ll dig his heels in even harder.
Seeing only one option, I pull up my big girl panties and start gathering my things to leave.