Page 23 of Imbalanced Minds
It’s not lost on me the look of victory in Cory’s eyes. I can only hope when we have our discussion, we can both act civil and not rip each other’s clothes to pieces. Because if I’m being honest, if he keeps looking at me with that wolfish glare, I may just let that happen.
Arriving home just after midday has me releasing a sigh of relief as I’m finally in the comfort of my own home. Cory is a gentleman and helps me get settled in my room. While I cosy up in my favourite blanket, he gets busy making me something to eat seeing as I refused lunch at the hospital.
“Babe, you want tea or coffee?” he yells from the kitchen. “Coffee thanks, and what’s with calling me babe?”
“Sorry, Petal.” Deep laughing follows and floats through the house as I snuggle in, resting against the headboard ready for my slave to feed me. Okay, that may be going a bit far but I need to make jokes in order to stay on top of things. Call it one of my many coping mechanisms.
I hear Cory talking to himself while he’s preparing my feast or is that singing? I yell out to ask if everything’s alright and he suddenly stops. The vibe in this house is becoming much too homey with only the two of us here.
I forget everything I was thinking the moment Cory brings my food and steamy cup of coffee in the room.
I watch with fascination as he walks toward me, his muscles flexing with every step. As I look up, he too has his gaze set firmly on me. Like a shy schoolgirl, my skin heats and I bet one hundred dollars my skin is a vivid shade of red.
Cory rests the tray on the bed next to me and watches as I dive in. “Gawd this is good.” I moan, chewing a mouthful of the delicious fruit.
“Careful sweet girl, those moans will get you in trouble.”
Pausing mid-chew, I turn my head to where Cory is standing. “Um, what?” I mumble while I’m sure my bewildered eyes resemble a deer in the headlights.
Emitting a deep laugh, Cory sits down next to me and grabs my free hand. I’m sure this is going somewhere I’m not ready for but I don’t voice my opinion as he’s piqued my curiosity.
“Petal, I need to tell you the real reason I pushed you away and I’d appreciate it if you let me get it out before saying anything, okay? I think it’d be good to help us both move forward.”
I’m nowhere near ready for this but manage a little squeak, “Okay.”
Nerves overpower me and I no longer have an appetite. Placing the tray on the nightstand beside me, I prepare for what will be some deep and unwanted emotions pulling their way to the surface.
Let’s just hope I’m strong enough to listen.