Page 30 of Imbalanced Minds
“I thought I’d bring you girls some dinner, saves any of us cooking. I didn’t think I’d be walking into Iris getting a what’s for speech from you, Natalie.”
I can sense Cory’s temper is starting to rise because that poor food in his hands is about to become mush.
“What kind of friend are you to come here while Iris is healing, bring up the exact event she’s trying to forget and then make her feel guilty? Huh!” He bellows, making Nat flinch.
I’ve become accustomed to Cory’s little ‘temper tantrums’ as I call them. I wouldn’t dare say that to his face, however. Shit no! He only seems to act like this when I’m involved; it didn’t take long to learn I’m the only person who can calm him either.
I quite like having a sense of control over someone other than myself.
Getting up, I gently pat Nat’s hand in reassurance to let her know I’m not mad at her, then slowly make my way to Cory. Not once do I avert my gaze. As I stare into his fearless eyes, letting him see I’m fine—that I’ve let him catch me. I smile my first genuine smile in weeks. Nat has a point. I may be the one whom this happened to but I’m not the only one who’s struggling. I never stopped to think how it may have affected others; the ones I love surrounding me.
With newfound strength I rub my hand up and down his forearm, willing him to calm down and take a deep breath. He always seems to like my gentle touch.
Taking me in, his eyes change from the dilated black to that beautiful grey I love.
“You’ve got me, baby. I’m here. I’m okay.” I whisper in his ear before he pulls me in and kisses me. This kiss is gentle and sweet. Full of unspoken words and meaning. A gift and a thank you all wrapped in one. Something long overdue.
A soft sniffle comes from the couch which breaks our trance.
“I’m so sorry, Iris. I don’t know what came over me. I should never have spoken out of line like that. I’m so, so sorry.” She continues, body shaking while sobbing into her open hands.
Enough is enough so I take charge. I pull Cory over to the couch with me, sitting the take-out on the coffee table before I push him down and sit on his lap.
Facing my best friend, I release the honesty swirling in my mind.
“Nat, honey. You weren’t out of line. In fact, it was what I needed to hear. I’ve been so lost in my head that I’ve neglected to see how I’m affecting others. I’m sorry, too. You’re my best friend and you of all people have been there for me through every single bad event in my life—even when I didn’t realise it.” I then turn to Cory. “And you. I’m so overwhelmed by you I tried to keep you at arm’s length. Well, not anymore. As of now, if you’re still willing, can I accept your offer to give us a proper go?” Quickly adding, “But you have to promise no snapping at Natalie for speaking her mind, ever again. Okay?”
Looking at me as if he just won the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and with the biggest and sexiest smile on his face—God, help me—he reaches for me and kisses me again. Once we’re finished with our ‘sealing the deal’, Cory turns to Nat and apologises.
“Sorry sweets, it was my natural reaction to jump in and protect Iris. I only heard the end, but it didn’t sound too good from where I was standing. I’ll try not to jump to conclusions again, and I can’t promise I won’t get angry, but I can promise to try.”
With new understandings and happiness now filling the room, we get on with business; we move to the kitchen island and devour the take-out Cory brought us and let what just happened sink in so we can move on.
“You know, I’ve really loved having a live-in slave for the last month, but I think I’m ready to have my best friend back and start dating my boyfriend the way I’d like.” Shying away at that last part I continue eating. Not even a fork hitting a plate makes a noise, so I turn to see a very happy Cory and what looks to be a really excited (and restrained from squealing) Nat.
“Angel, I think Natalie might need to stay away for just one more night.” The huskiness of Cory’s voice is doing things to my body and I hope like hell I can handle what he’s planning.
“Yeah, you guys are getting too much. I’m going to grab some things then leave.” Nat says as we barely contain what’s happening between us.
Hearing the click of the front door and our food now forgotten, Cory hops off his stool and stalks toward me with a gleam in his eye that would have any woman fall at his feet. I welcome this primal change as he swoops me up and carries me bridal style to my room.
“Tonight, sweetness, I’ll show you how good it is to really let go and feel.”
Yeah, I’m in trouble.