Page 58 of Imbalanced Minds
“How could I forget. Okay. Meet me by the field just outside of town. Don’t bring anyone else.”
“Like fuck I’m not coming.” Justin roars.
“Who was that?” Gunner asks sceptically.
“Justin. He’s coming too, but no one else.”
“Ah, how’s it going Jones?” he asks, seemingly happier than before. “Meet me there in half an hour. Don’t tell anyone and make sure you’re not followed. I mean it. If I smell trouble, I’m walkin’.” He growls, then hangs up.
“Let’s get our shit together. We’ll take your truck. I’ll go check on Iris first and make sure she’s still sleeping.”
Closing everything down and locking the office door behind us, I check on Iris—who to my relief is still sound asleep.
A wave of unease hits as we leave my house. We may have just opened a giant can of worms and if this turns nasty, Middleton will be the least of our worries.
“You boys sure took your sweet time,” Gunner teases.
“Yeah, well, we ain’t all got muscle like that,” I say, pointing toward his Harley. “I’d kill for a ride like that.” I drool. Not even kidding, I think I’ve got dribble coming out of the corner of my mouth.
“Guys, as much as I want to show my appreciation right now, we need to focus,” Justin utters.
“I wasn’t talkin’ bout the trip here, but good ta know you appreciate a good ride. I was actually talking about you getting in touch. I knew you’d call eventually. Glad to know you realised the envelope I gave you wasn’t just passed on from me but is from me.”
Jay and I look quizzically at Gunner.
“What are you talking about?” I ask, because if what I think is true, then we’re already in too deep.
“The yellow envelope that I put on ya desk. I chucked it there after the scene with Jay’s sister. I asked my uncle for a favour and one of his guys gave me that. He also wants to know what the fuck is going on, so spill.”
I breathe for the first time since we left my house. If what Gunner says is true, then I needn’t be as worried as I have been; we’re damn lucky to have him on our side. I proceed to fill him in on the events that have happened since (and don’t leave any detail unturned) especially the involvement with some lowlife yet highly ranked street goons.
“How d’ya know it’s them?” He raises a brow at me.
“The video surveillance from Iris’ dad. The cops confirmed the licence plate, which traced back to them. Also, a script tattoo on one of their boys’ necks was known to them. They’ve been keeping an eye on them for a while but wouldn’t tell us anything else.”
“Typical. ‘Kay, I’ll see what I can do. These boys have been causing Uncle trouble for some time, so I bet he’ll be real keen on what you’ve just told me.”
“Listen, I don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into by asking this of you, but we trust you, Gun. If you need anything else, you know where to find us.”
“You know it,” he says while straddling his bike, then yells over the roar of its engine, “I’ll be in touch.”
Just like that, he’s gone.
“That was interesting,” Justin says.
“Yeah, mate. I hope this doesn’t backfire on any of us.”
We’ve potentially just handed our asses to the most powerful men in this region.