Page 60 of Imbalanced Minds
One must want help before they’re able to be helped, my conscious pipes in.
“Well, fuck you!” I spit, flipping the empty room the bird.
I’ve kept the lights off, choosing to match the sulkiness of my mood. I don’t want to be in the light right now, not when I’m so lost and scared.
I’ve lost track of time again which seems to be a regular occurrence today. It’s pitch-black outside, so at a guess it’s pretty late, or is it early morning?
Getting up from the couch, I mosey to the kitchen for another drink. As I’m walking, I hear a loud boom followed by a flash of light by the front door. My eyes go wide and my body freezes. Not again, I think as I try to calm myself.
Reality pokes me in the chest, so I duck down behind the kitchen island and wait. There’s no knock as I’m expecting but another loud noise. This time it sounds like breaking glass.
I slap my hand over my mouth to help stifle the squeals for every time I get a fright, but all I can hear is ringing from my ears. I crawl as fast as I can up the stairs to our bedroom and grab my phone Cory had earlier placed on the nightstand.
Hiding in the back of our walk-in closet, I speed dial Cory’s phone. He answers straight away.
“Hey Angel, thought you’d still be sound asleep?”
I whisper yell, not sure if my words make any sense. “Here. Someone. Can’t breathe.” I scratch at my throat with my free hand, realising I’m gripping it as tightly as my breathing is laboured.
“Shit! Iris, we’re on our way. Where are you?” This comes from Justin.
“Bedroom closet.” I pant.
“Iris, this is important. Go to the small gun safe that’s against the wall, behind my shirts. Press 4-2-1-2-5-9. Have you got it?” he asks as I pull the safe’s door open.
“Pull out the handgun that’s inside. Can you do that, baby girl?”
I whimper while doing as he says, “G-got it.”
“Okay. Keep it with you. If anyone comes in the house don’t hesitate, Angel, and stay where you are. We’re coming.”
“How will I know it’s someone else?” I ask, scared out of my mind that I’ll have to use the weapon on a human being.
“You’ll know. Stay on the line with me. No matter what happens, we’ll get you. I promise.”
A beat of silence passes between us before a quiet whisper comes over the line. “I love you, Iris. So much.”
“I love you, too,” I say, tears falling heavy not knowing if this will be the last time I get to say those words.
I shrink to the back of the closet, pull my knees up to my chest and pray they get here and this was all a misconception.